tetris friends rankings

Started by gozkni, April 10, 2013, 05:26:11 PM

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Hi all, I've always been a casual tetris player, but recently got super into it--I found this forum, and it inspired me to try a bunch of things to improve, like playing w/o ghost and finesse! Anyway, doing all this stuff made me really bad at first, b/c I had to learn how to do it, and so my rankings dropped. But even when my rank was low, all these high ranked ppl kept coming in my rooms to play with me. I asked why they were playing with a beginner, and they said my stats gave me away! This defeats the purpose of practicing, if I'm constantly getting killed by advanced players.

Sooo I created a new account and started from the bottom, and it's happening all over again. I got myself to rank 13, and all these platinum players keep coming in my rooms to play me. One guy said that it was quite obvious I was playing under a fake name. Do you all know what's giving me away? I'm not trying to be sneaky, I'm just trying to practice. With all the handicaps I put on myself, I can't play with platinum players! Thanks!


You could try playing in a ranked room in the gold level. That way you'll play people at your apparent level without platinum players joining. Rank shouldn't matter that much to you anyways cause it seems like you could uprank easily if you wanted to.


Quote from: gozkni
Do you all know what's giving me away?
Your presence gives off quite a distinct smell; your vicinity is known from miles away.

Getting beat is actually the best way to get better imo.


Yeah -- I am playing in ranked rooms, but you can play in gold if you're a platinum.

And I'm not concerned about rank, but when I get slammed in 2 seconds because I'm playing an rank 18, I can't really get a lot of practice in. But yeah, I guess I should work harder to counter that!

I was wondering if ppl were finding me through my stats, but i guess they are happening upon me and then find out? anyway, thanks, i'll just view it as more difficult practice.


You could also try out different game modes; when I was at the level I'm assuming you're at, I noticed that I was topping out mostly because I was just too slow and not able to react fast enough, so I played lots of Sprint and practised downstacking in order to get better.

Also, try joining smaller rooms with other people your level and befriending those you enjoy playing with.

EDIT: Oh whoops, I should learn to read the topic before I reply! I honestly don't know how these people are finding you (though it's not that rare to see a Plat player bash upon those poor Golds). Maybe you could try playing some Tetris Battle instead for a while?
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


The explanation is really simple.

I have 15 accounts, and i know which one yours is.

I keep changing accounts to pwn you.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: ManOfMiracles
Your presence gives off quite a distinct smell; your vicinity is known from miles away.
Getting beat is actually the best way to get better imo.

QFT.  beating a bunch of people at a level under you is not a way to get better.


I think he said he's playing with "handicaps".. so really hes not above their level unless if he's easy on himself and goes back to his old habits. For example, try playing people your level with a changed keyboard config.


just by watching someone play they can tell if you belong in a certain level. its not really that hard, i always call out people like that, takes me about 5 seconds. just get to your actual rank and if people think you should be higher take it as a compliment

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


you can practice no ghost and finesse in single player modes. no need to handicap yourself if you're playing in arena. the only thing you should really be practicing when you're playing in arena is your offense/defense and downstacking.


Quote from: arf
you can practice no ghost and finesse in single player modes. no need to handicap yourself if you're playing in arena. the only thing you should really be practicing when you're playing in arena is your offense/defense and downstacking.

I did that for a long while, but I reached the point where I started having to use these in actual situations, because I didn't feel I was getting any better. And maybe this is too much, but I would like to be able to reach platinum while still using these handicaps! So yeah, I'm not playing with people below my level, I'm actually at the level I'm at w/the handicaps, and people think that I'm platinum b/c it's a new account.

Whatevs, I'm over it. I'll just let them get bored w/crushing me and think of it as practice!


like sports, the best way to get better
is to get owned
trial by fire lol
keep trying to get as highly ranked as you can
then you will play with the REAL pros
trust me, when ur stuck in a 1v1 ranked room with
you are gonna learn to get good, really fast haha
also smurfing is meh
all those poor people who worked so hard for their rating lose it
can we have a moment of silence for those people
but the point is, dont smurf
when i was a lowly gold
i used to hate those smurfs who would steal my hard earned street cred rating
40 line sprint in Nullpomino: 32.88