tetr.js development thread

Started by simonlc, March 17, 2013, 10:49:15 AM

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What's the very next thing on the to-do list?


awesome clone  probably the best browser one iv'e come across..the sound is up as an option but there's none playing while its on so wasnt sure if there was any luck with that yet.

few suggestions if i may,
- customization of block starting orientation (cultris style)
- randomizer selection (seems every game has a different one)
- custom skins (be cool if we could upload a skin for a single mino of all 7 blocks in jpeg)
- updated/defined spins (also seems every tetris game has different rules for this --t-spins, L spins etc
- option for line clear animation/ line clear animation speed
again, got the tetris itch a few months back and have been playing C2 ever since, and this is the most responsive/intuitive browser based one i have come across, ill play it over TF any day.

sorry if any of these suggestions are repeats, sort of skipped to the end of the thread after 7 pages or so, first post on harddrop.


I also vote for customizable starting orientations (randomizer is a good point too). However Cultris style starting orientations wouldn't work, because vertical orientations wouldn't fit in the preview queue (e.g. an I piece would overlap with the next piece). I am saying that, although this means that I'll never play this game (vertical starting orientations FTW). I suggest to make an option to choose between predefined rotation systems. SRS, Gameboy, NES, TGM, Tetris DX, N-Blox come into my mind.


oddly enough the preview orientations wouldnt bother me if they didn't change, but that might be because my peripheral is only picking up the color of the block, and im so used to playing with one preview and vertical orientations that it wouldnt matter for me. having multiple preview though i could see how colors might get jumbled and require a more meaningful glance...


Quote from: FelipeMayrink
What's the very next thing on the to-do list?

Finishing the engine, and 3d mode. After that, finish all the features and bugs I've been putting off for ages.

Quote from: braczdd
awesome clone  probably the best browser one iv'e come across..the sound is up as an option but there's none playing while its on so wasnt sure if there was any luck with that yet.

few suggestions if i may,
- customization of block starting orientation (cultris style)
- randomizer selection (seems every game has a different one)
- custom skins (be cool if we could upload a skin for a single mino of all 7 blocks in jpeg)
- updated/defined spins (also seems every tetris game has different rules for this --t-spins, L spins etc
- option for line clear animation/ line clear animation speed
again, got the tetris itch a few months back and have been playing C2 ever since, and this is the most responsive/intuitive browser based one i have come across, ill play it over TF any day.

sorry if any of these suggestions are repeats, sort of skipped to the end of the thread after 7 pages or so, first post on harddrop.
Thanks for the suggestions, a lot of this stuff is very possible, and regardless of what I say next, they might end up in the game. The thing is, I'm not really trying to make a do it all type of tetris game. I really just wanted a 40 lines game at first with other fun modes. So my focus right now is to make the game really nice with the basic set of features I want, then add online modes and high scores. And only after that, if I still have it in me, I will add all the features everyone wants.


3d mode? What's planned for that? (if it's a repeat post feel free to point me to the page lol) if you need some help with that I might be able to help depending on how involved it would be. I cant program but i know my way around maya . Heres my latest model >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45dCpMIFzjg...eature=youtu.be


It basically just means 3D tetrominos, like cubes instead of squares. The gameplay stays the same. I was actually looking for a modeler for this, but I don't know if I still want what I wanted before (lol). Anyway, if you have steam or irc maybe we can talk.


Quote from: simonlc
It basically just means 3D tetrominos, like cubes instead of squares. The gameplay stays the same. I was actually looking for a modeler for this, but I don't know if I still want what I wanted before (lol). Anyway, if you have steam or irc maybe we can talk.

yup i have steram >>> braczdd, modelling cubes should be no problem at all


I got a little suggestion for the game, Maybe add a Option to TAS the game legitmately. (As a Option of The Game itself, No Downloads, I think Nullpomino also allows making TASes that way (I don't have Nullpomino lol))


Hey guys... it's been a while. I'd just like to say, I'm back. Had lots stuff going on in my life that just made it difficult to work on this project.  

While I've been gone, a lot has happened. I did some searches for "tetr.js" and found a mod by farter, which is quite interesting adding a new style of dig mode. I'm a little bit sad he didn't submit a patch instead of copying the game and hosting it on his site without asking.

I'm also announcing that the name will be changing soon. This is due to a few other projects with the same name, as well as trademark issues. I haven't finalized the name yet, but once I do, I will make a new thread with the latest unreleased version of the game.


Quote from: simonlc
Hey guys... it's been a while. I'd just like to say, I'm back. Had lots stuff going on in my life that just made it difficult to work on this project.  

While I've been gone, a lot has happened. I did some searches for "tetr.js" and found a mod by farter, which is quite interesting adding a new style of dig mode. I'm a little bit sad he didn't submit a patch instead of copying the game and hosting it on his site without asking.

I'm also announcing that the name will be changing soon. This is due to a few other projects with the same name, as well as trademark issues. I haven't finalized the name yet, but once I do, I will make a new thread with the latest unreleased version of the game.
sorry for lack of informing...
im adding things in a dumb way though, and disabled something for simplification. so im not sure if its appropriate to make a merge...
i marked every change i made with comment /*farter*/, you may pick any of them as you wish.


Welcome back  This is great news! Your version of tetris is the best web based tetris I've seen so far outside of TOP and blockbox. I think it has the potential to be better than both though.


Quote from: simonlc
I'm back.
I've been waiting for this. Can't wait for what's to come.

Quote from: Ravendarksky
Your version of tetris is the best web based tetris I've seen so far outside of TOP and blockbox. I think it has the potential to be better than both though.
Damn right! Completly agree.


Quote from: simonlccopying the game and hosting it on his site without asking.

I politely suggest you add a license to your repository if this is something you don't want to happen.


Quote from: myndzi
I politely suggest you add a license to your repository if this is something you don't want to happen.
