Redesign sneak peek and planned upcoming features

Started by Blink, March 07, 2013, 10:28:03 AM

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Quote from: myndzi
I'm not claiming that the CSS is 'mine', I was referring to the portion of the CSS that I added. I had trouble with the margins/padding to make everything line up, which is why I thought maybe you had inherited them. You are welcome to use it if you like, I was simply volunteering to clean it up if you wanted to make use of it.

If you haven't already, watch what happens when the HD mainpage gets narrowed, there's 2 stages. I didn't complete the menu transition for mobile yet (li -> select). Anyway, this is what I meant by responsive, and it helps the site out on mobile too.

I do think a site can be too wide; it can be hard to follow all the text across, so I favor the current layout over fluid. I suppose it'll depend on how the space gets used, of course.

Fair enough, it did sounded like you were saying the CSS was yours, so thanks for clarifying. Fluid layouts will definitely have cons just as fixed layouts will. In the end, we will have to decide which is best for the community, when time permits, I will break it down for the community on the pros and cons for each one.


Bear in mind the two main things that occur on this site is:
1. Reading
2. Watching vids...

So we wouldn't want a site that becomes too wide.


Layout reminds me of myspace.


Glad to see the site being updated. This is a great site that suffers a bit in the design department right now. I personally don't like the dark design. Take a look at most of the big sites out there, none of them are dark, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Wikipedia, etc. I do like dark elements though, keeping a site totally light isn't good either. Having dark and light elements contrast done well is hard, but it pays off.

I don't like that everything is in a box of its own. It's something I see a lot from amateur designers (I am an amateur myself), and while it can be nice, it's just a quick way to make something decent. It's passable, but I think more time should be spent laying out the elements and tying them together. It currently has a very cluttered look, don't be afraid to add in some 'white space' (that is empty space around objects). This relaxes the site and makes it much more pleasant to read. I also think some of the elements could be dropped, like recently logged in. Don't forget about the typography of the site either. Good typography will greatly improve any site.

I love the icons in the top navigation, but I think that the size should be increased a bit, and some white space added in.

I agree that the site should have mobile features implemented. I applaud myndzi for making the front page responsive, and using buzz words , but the rest of the site is sadly not mobile. I know there are some forum software that do have mobile versions included, which might be worth looking at when doing the upgrade.

Another consideration is having the page load fast, and using all the current techniques to improve the speed. Currently the site scores 73/100 on Google's PageSpeed. This isn't the only way to improve site speed, but it's a good place to start.

I understand that making a site of this magnitude is a great deal of work, and this might not be your full time jobs. But putting the work in little by little will definitely improve the site.


Quote from: simonlc
Glad to see the site being updated. This is a great site that suffers a bit in the design department right now. I personally don't like the dark design. Take a look at most of the big sites out there, none of them are dark, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Wikipedia, etc. I do like dark elements though, keeping a site totally light isn't good either. Having dark and light elements contrast done well is hard, but it pays off.

I don't like that everything is in a box of its own. It's something I see a lot from amateur designers (I am an amateur myself), and while it can be nice, it's just a quick way to make something decent. It's passable, but I think more time should be spent laying out the elements and tying them together. It currently has a very cluttered look, don't be afraid to add in some 'white space' (that is empty space around objects). This relaxes the site and makes it much more pleasant to read. I also think some of the elements could be dropped, like recently logged in. Don't forget about the typography of the site either. Good typography will greatly improve any site.

I love the icons in the top navigation, but I think that the size should be increased a bit, and some white space added in.

I agree that the site should have mobile features implemented. I applaud myndzi for making the front page responsive, and using buzz words , but the rest of the site is sadly not mobile. I know there are some forum software that do have mobile versions included, which might be worth looking at when doing the upgrade.

Another consideration is having the page load fast, and using all the current techniques to improve the speed. Currently the site scores 73/100 on Google's PageSpeed. This isn't the only way to improve site speed, but it's a good place to start.

I understand that making a site of this magnitude is a great deal of work, and this might not be your full time jobs. But putting the work in little by little will definitely improve the site.

Don't worry, I will take care of it all.  


In regards to the light/dark color schemes:
Why not both? Have a toggle in the corner or somewhere on the screen and everyone can be happy. While you're at it, make it so individuals can create their own color schemes and share with others/add to the toggle!
Too much? xD The cap has to be somewhere in terms of customization.


I was going to suggest this, but I really doubt that they would do something like that. Would be nice though, customization is everything nowadays.


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This is still being worked on, very slowly though.  The front page and parts of other areas of the website are done but still a long ways to go.

Also I know that the maps aren't working right now, the Google Maps API v2 is deprecated so once we update the code to use Maps API v3 it'll be okay again.


taking bets on when this is going to be finished?
1 yr my guess.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]


There seems to be more and more activity around this topic so i'd say harddrop 2.0 will be in use around june 2014! Blink, dont fail us
Intendant, you have a voice that makes me wanna play tetris!
- yotipo, approved by Mucho


               Tetris Belts!


Blink, have you thought about bringing in someone from hd that has experience in web design? It seems an awful lot of work for you and your brother to take on.

It's a shame I know nothing about web design xD