King of Kings 2

Started by myndzi, February 24, 2013, 09:19:47 PM

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King of Kings 2
Winner: penguinfrk!


I wanted to save this for after I've made certain extra changes to the site, but it's long overdue and we are at a fairly active period right now, so here it is! The format is pretty much exactly the same as last time, except I'll be seeding the first round matches by Elo rating.

Start date: March 4th 2013
Randomizer: Bag
Garbage: Exclusive+
Seeding: Semi-random
Pairings: Hybrid elim

I will announce each round's matches, including who is to send the challenge. You should create an unrated game. When you have created the game, please post the game ID in the thread so that I can verify turns taken. The game ID is in the URL when you click on the game:

Please PM me the results of your match when it is ended! This is so that we don't spoil any predictions

The "idle" threshold is two turns a day - one for each player. Games that fall below this and exceed two weeks will be reported as losses for both players and disqualify you from the prize drawings. If you are having trouble with your opponent taking their turns, please report it to me; problem players will eventually be removed from the tournament, and their games converted to forfeits so as to have minimal impact on the rest of the tournament.

To clarify, since there was perhaps some confusion: the 2-turns-a-day thing is on average. Each player should play 7 turns each week to not be considered idle, but I won't drop any matches unless they are under that threshold at the end of the two week mark. There is no need to play a turn every day (though I highly recommend it!) in order to stay in the tournament.

All matches for this tournament will be recorded! I will be uploading the matches to YouTube and posting them in the thread. I plain don't have time for this this go-round, but if someone else would like to help, I would be glad of it.

Each win will be worth 2 points, each loss worth 0, and each tie worth 1 point. Each round, players will be sorted by their scores, divided into groups, and pairings will be random within those groups. For the first round, players will be sorted by their Elo rating on the site. Duplicate matches will be avoided if possible, and the challenger will alternate in the event of duplicate matches. The challenger will be random otherwise. If there are an odd number of participants, one will be selected at random for a bye - they will receive 2 points.

Incomplete games will add 2 points to your seeding for the next round. (This means you will be playing a more difficult opponent!) Games that last longer than two weeks with greater than an average of two turns per day will be considered ties, with 1 point awarded to each participant. If turns played is less than two a  day, they will be considered losses for both players. This will be tested every week before new matches are announced, so the greatest number of incomplete games you can have at any given time is 1.

After three rounds, I will begin pruning the bottom players from the rankings until we arrive at a top 2 players. These top two will play off for the title in a best of three.

For the cuts, ties will be broken by the fewest number of turns played in the most recently won game. This is incentive to complete your games, but is also about the only metric I can think of that makes sense (fewer turns = more decisive victory). For the final cut, if there are more than two players tied at the top, extra rounds will be played.

  • myndzi
  • Aaron
  • penguinfrk
  • Kitaru
  • Blitz
  • TeTWiS
  • MarioThePhenom
  • Caithness
  • jujube*
  • MiracleMan
  • piper
  • StS
  • baseballboy
  • Alucard
  • Profane
Please post (with your KoS username) in the thread to sign up!

As posted below, I decided to add a little incentive. I'll pay out up to $50 in random $10 prizes (Paypal only) to players who actively participate the whole way through. One $10 for every 4 players excluding myself. To be eligible you must play all your matches actively, that's all. This will require some judgement from me to avoid penalizing one player if the other stalls, but I'm not going to pay out to people who sign up and don't play. If you have a problem with someone not taking their turns, you'll just have to mention it to me along the way so I can verify it

I'll also put up a $30 prize to the first-place finisher and $20 to the second-place finisher, these players will be ineligible for the random drawing (as will I )

Due to a generous donation by piper, I have another $50 to give out! I will therefore bump the prizes for first and second place to $45 and $35 respectively, and add a new reward, too. At the end of the tournament, we'll have a vote on the best single turn of the game. This player will receive the remaining $20 as a bonus
  • 1st place: $45
  • 2nd place: $35
  • Best turn: $20
  • Drawing: 3 * $10
Winners in bold, (ties in parentheses)
Round 7Round 6Round 5Round 4Round 3Round 2Round 1* In progress
** By default


In. You know my name, I hope.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]
Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


What was it again? Albert? Alfred..?


Sign me up! Stoked. penguinfrk

Quote from: myndzi
What was it again? Albert? Alfred..?
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>




time to get OWNED
and by that i mean im about to be deemed the worst kos player, ahaha

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


I've played worse than you, believe me.

Also, I'm in.


I'd like to join but I'll probably be moving soon and I don't know what my internet situation will be. Will let you know closer to the start date.


Time to dust off the old kos account.


Quote from: jujube
I'd like to join but I'll probably be moving soon and I don't know what my internet situation will be. Will let you know closer to the start date.

This tournament format is designed for KoS  If you can get at the internet a few times a week you'll be fine. Meet your opponent live on the same day and you can finish your game quickly too.


Quote from: Caithness
I've played worse than you, believe me.
im certain youre the one who always win when we play

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Sign me up!

I'll also match the Prize pool and add another $50.

@myndzi - can you pm me details on how you're handling the funds?




Re: prizes, I simply plan to Paypal the winners the money. So make sure y'all have Paypal or something.