Hard Drop 2013

Started by Corrosive, February 06, 2013, 01:30:32 PM

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if you guys haven't figured it out by now they're never going to make a game for master tetris players. 3 years and still no change on tetris friends? pathetic. they're content with whatever money they're making off of the site from casual rookies and clearly aren't going to make any changes or create a new game. fan games have always been better ever since tetrinet which TTC stole ideas from and tried to replicate. the TTC people don't deserve any respect from us and they clearly don't give a crap about their most passionate players they just care about a steady money stream. Call of Duty pops out a new game every couple of years and you think TTC can't pop a good one out for just ONCE??? I'm surprised all of you aren't completely pissed off and let down by them by now to the point where you should be sending them nasty e-mails. We should all be playing together on a superior/future fan game (possibly next version of nullpomino) and help fund it and support it and grow it. elite players belong on the fan-made games and that's just how its meant to be. ffs boycott tetris friends already. it's even in the best interest of our nooby players.

With the amount of traffic this site gets I can't believe Blink doesn't have any sponsors/advertisements on the site. Easy money. Reach out to like btguard.com or similiar sites.

If I ran this site the traffic would go through the roof and people wouldn't be spread out across different games. I think likely that Blink is content with how things are and doesn't care or he just isn't competent enough. If I were running things it would be so much better because I know what needs to happen to recreate a scene mirroring the olden days of tetrinet2. if i didn't have so much fun on tnet2 and blockbox I would have been gone many years ago. it was us hardcore players who started the multiplayer scene, saved the scene from the brink of oblivion after TTC closed tetrinet2, and are still keeping it going with the effort of our generous programmers Deniax & nullpo people. It was a mistake to ever hold hands with TTC, it doubled/tripled the amount of visitors to the site but this hasn't been compelling me to play for quite a long time now because we STILL have the problem of 0 players online on Nullpomino and I don't even know what the most popular fan game is anymore or where everyone is playing at. Clearly things are seriously wrong and changes need to happen. It is really mind-blowing if nobody else sees it but me. For the love of God get everyone on one game. Everything on here is way too individualistic and people obsessing over their times and scores. Most people on here don't know this but nothing compares to playing for a clan/team and having rivalries and huge motivation to improve.

If we're already legally getting away with playing Nullpomino then whats to stop us from advancing it and completely leaving mainstream tetris in the dust. We should be looking/funding/supporting our own programmers and cut all ties with TTC.
"Put some stank on those blocks."


TTC sucks? We seriously had no idea!


Anyway I agree we should send emails or something of the sort (but not nasty ones lol). But we need a clear understanding of what we want changed, and also it has to be realistic and in TTCs interests before we proceed.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


I think there's a government conspiracy behind this. TTC is just the government's pawn to enslave us and take away our guns.


What compels you guys enough to bring you on here every day besides being internet buddies? I really don't see the value. All of this is so boring when there is no initiative to beat other people. This is my fallback for my withdrawals from call of duty and with my Xbox 360 broke right now I still am feeling no desire to load up Nullpo or any of the other games. I know I still enjoy Tetris but there is no drive to play. This has all turned into a forum discussion website like tetrisconcept. The only thing that would get me playing again is a new nullpomino and team/clan initiatives. If things keep going like they have been then it will be a shame. If there would ever be a push to get everyone on one game and kill the shoutbox chat on the main page then I think a lot of people would get behind it and it would be a success. A centralized server/game (just like tnet2 main lobby) would get everyone off of this site and under one roof where they can play each other. It's really not hard to understand. Every other kind of game operates that way and we should too.
"Put some stank on those blocks."


hey guys, lets not troll around on this thread, cause i actually agree with corrosive( with my limited knowledge of the history of tetris)

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: Corrosive
What compels you guys enough to bring you on here every day besides being internet buddies? I really don't see the value.
Lol. You don't see the value in having friends and keeping in contact with them? Seriously?

Quote from: Corrosive
A centralized server/game (just like tnet2 main lobby) would get everyone off of this site and under one roof where they can play each other. It's really not hard to understand. Every other kind of game operates that way and we should too.
I lol'd even harder here.

A huge number of games don't have centralised servers and lobbies - or at least not ones where you can just chat to random peeps who aren't on in-game friends lists. That's why you see sites like TeamLiquid, Solomid, ESReality and PlayDotA and whatever. The number of mainstream games where you can just randomly chat to everyone in a lobby somewhere is fricking tiny.

If nothing else, do you just expect cool shit to happen without an external forum? That if everyone spent all their time on Nullpomino we'd see organised tournaments, and cool things like the UK Open and the TetrisConcept Eindhoven 2011/2012 meets? I'm going to CeBIT in Hannover next month with friends I've met through Tetris and come to know over four or five years on TC and #arika. And I don't even fucking play Tetris any more.

There's more to this shit than competition, rivalry and trash-talking. If you can't see it and don't enjoy it then really that's your own problem. And all that soppy friendship stuff won't happen in game clients, even if this place didn't exist. It'd go to Skype or Facebook or whatever anyway.

And I'll also state that it amuses me how you complain about lack of competitive drive here, or how it's stupid we play Tetris when there's no money in it, when your alternative main game is apparently CoD on Xbox 360. Because yeah, like that's a hardcore competitive esports game you got right there lol. How stupid of the people here to be playing Tetris when they could be in the big leagues of kiddie casualfag console FPS gaming.


Quote from: Corrosive
What compels you guys

the power of Christ

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]hey guys, lets not troll around on this thread, [/quote]

oh were we starting that now? ;p

Anyway a lot of these are points that we have known about and done nothing about for a long time. We only got close to real change before tto1 but settled for a few things. They were steps forward but what have we had since then?
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Lol. You don't see the value in having friends and keeping in contact with them? Seriously?

He said besides being internet buddies.

Quote from: Paradox
the power of Christ

Clearly God is punishing HD because it is filled with "athiests, philosophers, intellectuals, [and] agnostics"!


[div align=\\\"center\\\"]
Neon TGM Evangelist :: "Tetris the Grand Master is the best (single player) Tetris ever"
I wrote TeDiGe-2 (Github | Bug/suggestion tickets | [url=http:/


Quote from: caffeine
He said besides being internet buddies.
Yeah, which inherently implies that 'being internet buddies' alone can't possibly be enough.

And to be honest I see fuck all else going on here most of the time, so he's sort of got a point in that sense. Except for token myndzi bashing there's not much to HD these days. If you were chronically incapable of being friends with anyone online, maybe because you were some massive asshole or troll or just came off as a little insane and out of touch with reality to every else, then HD really wouldn't have much for you.


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
And to be honest I see fuck all else going on here most of the time, so he's sort of got a point in that sense.
I agree mostly. I don't find, for example, these types of posts to be very interesting (ones that don't have much to do with Tetris strategy/gameplay/trivia). Sometimes, though, there are genuinely insightful posts. I don't learn something new every day, but every now and then I pick up something interesting. That makes it all worthwhile.


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Athiests, philosophers, intellectuals, agnostics -- all rejecting the existence of a personal creator.[/quote]

I don't get it.. are you calling yourself stupid?


I want to note that Rosti and caffeine and others on here are just full-blown obsessed with Tetris and all the mathematical technical aspects of it like its their freakin job to analyze it all. I have never been like this and would rather you shoot me in the face. The length of the posts you guys make are ridiculous. This thread was serious and I made it because there haven't been any meaningful changes made on here because my advice wasn't taken the last dozen times I've said this. I don't give a CRAP about nerdy Tetris events/meetings. It is ok to play this as a side hobby but if you're taking it any further then you need to grow up already.

The bottom line is this game is probably one of the most stressful competitive games out there, unhealthy, and a waste of time unless you're truly having fun which goes the same for cod and anything else. I never said that I play cod competitively or in a league I just play pub with my buddies up in Virginia.

Having internet buddies just looks laughable and immature to most normal girls, there is a reason why I'm not friends with any of you on Facebook or would ever mention you in real life. I would never go to some Tetris gathering either like a complete nerd. I do respect the potential of this game to be a fun hobby like it was during tnet2 days. I don't believe in playing anything single player because it is selfish and not fair to the people who care about you and it is a waste of life.

p.s. Why does my signature quote keep being brought up? If any of you want to debate with me the existence of God/demons/hell/Jesus I would destroy you with hard evidence that very few "christians" could present to you. I listen to spiritual warfare preaching every other night, I personally know people who have written books on these things and have lived in haunted houses as well as others who were former high-ranking witches/warlocks, also I have seen healing miracles and demons be cast out of people with my own eyes. The quote is from a book and I don't have any ounce of doubt in my mind that I 100% know that these things are real. The majority of you may share the same ignorant atheist perspective but you are still dead wrong and it will cost you everything when your time is up. You can joke about it all while you're still alive but for your own best interest you better become more receptive to the truth.
"Put some stank on those blocks."


I'd also like to note that I basically don't play Tetris any more, and also was never one of the people who would analyse shit or do any maths around it. All the threads on randomiser theory I never touched with a barge pole, and I've also done very little for the wiki ever, except for helping DIGITAL with some stuff back in the days of Tetris DS. I do still enjoy the aspects of the game design and modes and such, and also have a moderate interest in the legal shit (though I work in product design and IP, so go figure), but other than that I'm only still in the Tetris scene for the craic and because I have many good friends on #arika.

Quote from: Corrosive
I made it because there haven't been any meaningful changes made on here because my advice wasn't taken the last dozen times I've said this
Gonna take a fairly well-known quote here:
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results."

Quote from: Corrosive
The quote is from a book
Holy shit guys, it's from a book!. Someone wrote it down. In a book! Can't possibly argue with that and definitely can't make fun of it.

Quote from: Corrosive
Having internet buddies just looks laughable and immature to most normal girls
It's cool that you're still at an age of immaturity where this is true. Or maybe it's just where you live or your circle of friends, IDK. It's not been something that's bothered my last two girlfriends or current one, and the majority of other female friends I have don't seem to find it that startling or objectionable either. It's the 21st century and the age of social networking, after all.
Either way I feel choosing what you spend your time doing based on what girls like rather than what you like isn't the best way to lead your life. Also there are female members on here, but I guess they're not "normal girls" and therefore it'd be ridiculous that anyone would ever want to go out with them?

