Wikimerge, Wikia's shutdown, getting people interested in contributing to tetris knowledge

Started by PetitPrince, January 27, 2013, 05:57:55 PM

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Quote from: muf
The problem with that argument is that nobody is claiming ownership of TC. In fact, TC does everything it can to hide who's running the site, because it doesn't matter who's running it. The community is what matters, and ownership seems like such a petty thing to argue about.
It doesn't matter if you claim to own it. What matters is the stealing/betrayal part. And the problem with your argument is that if it really was just the community that mattered, you wouldn't have originally felt the need to copy someone else's domain name. Why did it matter if it's called Tetris Concept to you? Oh, because visibility.


Quote from: caffeine
It doesn't matter if you claim to own it. What matters is the stealing part. And the problem with your argument is that it really was just the community that mattered, you wouldn't have originally felt the need to copy someone else's domain name. Why did it matter if it's called Tetris Concept to you? Oh, because visibility.
That reasoning is so wrong I don't even know where to begin. It mattered that it's called Tetrisconcept (yes, we dropped the space -- deal with it) because that's what people punch into Google if they can't find it. The community is based on its members, and if its members can't find the site, then what community is there? Oh. Ooooooh. I think you get it now (hopefully).


Quote from: muf
because that's what people punch into Google if they can't find it. The community is based on its members, and if its members can't find the site, then what community is there? Oh. Ooooooh. I think you get it now (hopefully).
No one was able to find Tetris Concept originally. It started from thin air. We worked hard, treated people with respect, and shared our passion for Tetris. We earned it. You didn't earn that visibility. You got it through deceitful methods. Your site posed as someone else's. I get that you're shameless and don't think you did anything wrong. I think we're on the same page now.


At this point, all I can say is that this thread should be closed. There is absolutely no point to the arguments that are being thrown around right now; it seemed for a second that a merge might happen, but it is becoming VERY clear that caffeine, and by extension, Blink will not agree to merging the wikis, so all this arguing is especially dumb.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Quote from: caffeineYou didn't earn that visibility.
"waaaaa, waaaaaaaaa, waaa"

Upset you never registered


I just got home from work and haven't read the posts in this thread yet, and won't be reading them because they won't affect my decision.

I will not be taking the HD wiki down to merge on a different website.  I don't see the need to as well as don't see any strong benefits that would make it worth it.  In the past I may have been more open to it, but now that we're 4 years old and active as ever I feel that ship has sailed.  The long delayed redesign has plans on improving the wiki (integration, look, features, and ease), and I'm excited to see what results that will bring.

I noticed members are asking caffeine to change his mind, but ultimately I am the owner of the site.  Pretty much anything that goes on around here is with my okay, even if you don't see me around people ask me first on skype or something out of respect.

This decision is not because I'm angry or anything, all that stuff happened so long ago and lots of people here supporting a wiki merge I greatly respect like Kitaru, myndzi, and colour_thief.  Whenever members break an awesome record or have an event like the death carnival I try to tweet about it or bring attention to it, so trust me when I say emotions aren't a factor here.  As admin I'm simply doing what I feel is best for HD, which I've been doing since day 1, nothing else.  I do remember IRC logs in the past stating I was caffeine's puppet or something, and it made me laugh cause that's not even close to true.  Does caffeine's opinions influence me? Sure, cause I trust him.  When I first launched this fan site he was one of the only people who actually supported me while others would talk it down and brush the site off as made by kids, lacking anything meaningful, and wouldn't last a year.  At that time I realized that I should just run HD the way I felt was best, and kept with that to today.  

I also feel that HD owes nothing to anyone and I don't think I've done anything wrong.  I hope you guys stick around and contribute instead of just asking for a favor and leaving, cause you're very welcome here by me as you have been since day 1, but I'm going to close this thread after tonight because the discussion is over.


Quote from: Blink
...but ultimately I am the owner of the site.

Yes, but you don't own the wiki. Neither does caffeine. All contribuitons are owned by their respective contributors. I own the copyright to contributions I made, which, if you remember, includes the massive rewrite to the SRS page, without which accurate SRS in nullpomino could not have been implemented. I have released my work under the terms of the CC-BY license, as has everyone else, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop other parties, whoever they may be, from reproducing, remixing, merging, or producing derivative works from, any of this content. The work and information contained within should be free for everyone; stop trying to dictate who can and cannot control it.


Quote from: Edo
Yes, but you don't own the wiki. Neither does caffeine. All contribuitons are owned by their respective contributors. I own the copyright to contributions I made, which, if you remember, includes the massive rewrite to the SRS page, without which accurate SRS in nullpomino could not have been implemented. I have released my work under the terms of the CC-BY license, as has everyone else, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop other parties, whoever they may be, from reproducing, remixing, merging, or producing derivative works from, any of this content. The work and information contained within should be free for everyone; stop trying to dictate who can and cannot control it.

I remember clearly your contributions, and even asking you personally for permission to use it.  I'm not trying to dictate anything, you are free to do anything you want Edo.  The content is indeed free for everyone.... I'm  confused right now about what you're trying to say.  If anything, it feels like you are trying to dictate how I run Hard Drop.


[Deleted... Blink said it already]


Honestly, I think we should refocus efforts right now on building a case to kill the Wikia version of the Wiki.  Caff, have you already tried asking them to remove it?  What was their response?


Edo put together a nice way to contact them and request for it to be taken down. I took that and emailed the Wikia people. They told me they wanted to keep it going.


Quote from: are free to do anything you want Edo.
Thanks, I'll go ahead and create a merged wiki myself then, because I sincerely believe a lot of people would benefit from it.
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]If anything, it feels like you are trying to dictate how I run Hard Drop.
[/quote]In my post, I made no mention of how you are running Hard Drop. I only mentioned work written and owned by people including myself. Please don't project behaviours on to me that are not true.


Okay, I respect your decision, thanks for respecting mine.  See you around Edo.

Closing this topic cause there's nothing left to discuss.  BACK TO THE TTO3 ACTION!