A few updates!

Started by RequestMike, January 25, 2013, 10:12:08 PM

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Greetings Hard Drop Community,

Blink's brother here, I was given permission from him to work on the website since he's too busy with school and work. I will be updating the website gradually and keeping everyone updated on the progress of the new re-design that Blink mentioned a few days ago. Most or all of the current features we have now will stay so no worries about the website becoming something else.

As for pre measures to prevent the incident of data being rolled back, the server is on a RAID1 array this time (which basically means two hard drives mirroring the same data, just in case one fails) and also daily off-site backups. I know I've stated this before when we had a similar incident in one of the forum topics about daily backups but we had a minimal VPS that couldn't handle the large amounts of data so we had to switch to weekly backups. Of course, that wasn't the reason why we couldn't retrieve the latest data, it was more so because the company was absent aka AWOL hosts.

Lastly, we just created an official blog here: http://blog.harddrop.com which I'll post upcoming plans, progress, and updates concerning Hard Drop.

I've also been working on the new layout and it should be delivered sometime around February or March. I'm in the middle of working on one other web project so I'll try to get it done asap. Also, PM me if you find any bugs, I didn't get a chance to run through every page after migration. Thanks for your time.


What happend to our fuhrer?

You know, the guy who "owns" the site ( not blink)

Also a way to add karma to other users, as well as Like posts would be apperciated.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: XaeL
What happend to our fuhrer?

You know, the guy who "owns" the site ( not blink)

Also a way to add karma to other users, as well as Like posts would be apperciated.

I think the main focus right now is to change the look and feel of the website then I'll start worrying about new features. Blink kind of wants me to push the new design out already so I'm working on that.


good luck on the new design for HD