Here's your chance to affect the future of Hard Drop!

Started by Parkzer, December 17, 2012, 08:50:05 PM

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Quote from: ohitsstef
I want the BWH threads to be seen in the active threads section again, otherwise BWH serves no purpose
How does it not serve a purpose? I think it's perfectly fine to have the fairly low quality and spammy threads isolated away and not clog up the active topics list and push decent threads off there - as long as they still show up on "Newest Posts", and they do, it's fine imo. As for the "I'll post my shits and giggles in General", imo that's a bit of attention whorey statement and implies you only actually care about posting shit if it gets maximum possible user attention. Make posts of a decent standard, or be content with them being tucked away - either way it's not really up to you to shitpost on the decent boards, given that rules are in place and mods will always have the option to delete/move them anyway.

I think BWH serves its best purpose if it's allowed to be completely shit-tier, and I think it does that better if it's given lower precedence to the rest of the forum (where posts are meant to be non-shit-tier) by not being in the active topics, and also not counting for post count either. It sort of belittles the rest of the forum otherwise.

Also, for a non-tacky way of displaying status, most forums I use tend to have different name colours for different classes (also small mod/admin tags). That'd almost certainly require a different theme to not look like complete ass on this forum though. And I doubt IPB supports it anyway.

Quote from: ohitsstef
Also another thing - if people are to donate, I think it's fair to show how much money has been donated
How much total has been donated, sure. How much per person, definitely no. For one, it shouldn't ever be possible to lord how much you donated compared to other people, and for two, some people often want to keep exact numbers private (I typically do when I donate to a site/charity, at least).


Quote from: ParkzerI’m working with myndzi on a little gift for the community. In order to make this as awesome as possible, I need to do a little bit of research.

Thanks Parkzer. That's really nice of you guys to care about making the site better!  


Quote from: PetitPrince
One unique, unified, and awesome wiki*.
*and one rip off, but we can't shutdown wikia stuff, don't we ?

We can outrank them

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
Forum software

No worries on that count.

Quote from: ohitsstef
BWH topics, btw, don't show up in the active posts anymore.. which I don't like.

This is intentional, as it allows me to leave the forum open to anyone without having to go through the access rigamarole. The sole purpose of the request-access thing was to keep BWH out of the active topics (for non-participants). The purpose of that is so that I can maintain some kind of standards for the forums in general and people still have somewhere they can go bitch about me.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
If we were to donate and get supporter badges what type of control would we have over the site?

No more or less than now. Donating is donating, you're not buying stock.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]I mean just going onto the site itself and replying to threads that help other people out is supporting the site right?

Certainly. The PCG icon is kind of tongue-in-cheek, so I'm sorry you think it's tacky - but this is the kind of contribution it exists to recognize. Here's the link once more to the thread where members can submit people for PCG status.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Also another thing - if people are to donate, I think it's fair to show how much money has been donated and then show where the money is going to. Before we had a lot of members donate money to HD, but we didn't know exactly where the money was going to and when. (Besides the tournaments)
That's a fair request. Please note that we're not asking for money, it was simply an example of a potential badge. Any money you want to send to support the site is gladly accepted, but nobody should feel obliged.

Quote from: Rosti_LFC
How much total has been donated, sure. How much per person, definitely no.

This is what I figured she meant, but just in case: I am in full agreement.


As for comments about appearance, layout, etc., if any of you would like to get involved, I'd be happy for your help. I have a hate/hate relationship with html and css, so the thought of not only implementing something new, but not even knowing what I'm trying to implement, is extremely discouraging.


On the donations thing, an actual list of donators somewhere linked to the donation page (for those who don't want to remain anonymous, at least) would be a nice touch.


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
How does it not serve a purpose? I think it's perfectly fine to have the fairly low quality and spammy threads
I thought harddrop was an inclusive environment. It's not nice to have people looking down on us yo'

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Guys, take it to BWH >:(

Edit: how about I build in a mechanism that lets people solve forum differences by playing Tetris matches >:)


1. I bet it can be improved, but I don't have any ideas on how.

2. No

3. Yes! This was done 2 years ago and then was stopped, for reasons I'm not sure why. But yes, please!

4.No - if I were to donate I'd like it to be not bandied around, even though it would be nice to get it done in a more subtle way (e.g. as is done, colours for the chat)

5 and 6. Merge records with badges on the front page - enter your record and it appears below your profile on the forums. This would lead to 2 things: records page solution found; and people would update the records feature, as they wuoldn't want outdated records on their forum profile.
               Tetris Belts!


Quick thing before I go into detail, maybe instead of having thr badges under your name and posts, perhaps you can set them to across the back of what you post, for cases like myndzi.(no room under post count thingy

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: MarioThePhenom
Quick thing before I go into detail, maybe instead of having thr badges under your name and posts, perhaps you can set them to across the back of what you post, for cases like myndzi.(no room under post count thingy

I have no idea what you just said, but assume that implementation details can be worked out.


1. Homepage is fine.

2. I would neither participate nor lurk.

3. I like the idea, however I think the badges should be on the user's page rather than on the forum.

4. no opinion

5. My needs are currently fulfilled.

6. I consult the wiki sporadically, I would like to see a harddrop channel hosting video tutorials for the setups and concepts  that are in the wiki with links in the wiki entry. I would be upset if the wiki were removed.

7. Having your accomplishments on your profile would be welcomed. The records section is a bit bloated, if restrained to the top 10 for each category it would be more useful and interesting. I would not like to see it removed.

8. The moderator wars are getting exhausting.
Quote from: myndzi
Edit: how about I build in a mechanism that lets people solve forum differences by playing Tetris matches >:)
That would be fun to watch.
[spoiler] [img]


1. I like the home page mostly. A few things on the home page i could easily do without:

Recent logins
Community section

I think tweets/ news/ announcements should all be combined.

2. Even though I think those other games are awesome I think that the amount of discussion would we have would only be worthy of a single thread.

3. I think we should get a generic type of badge / medal that signifies any achievements. Like if I won 3 significant tournaments people can see 3 little badges. Then they can see my achievements when they go to my profile or something.


6. I don't use the wiki because I know everything

7. I think the records section should be removed. It can be part of the wiki or something but I don't think it needs its own little tab at the top of the main pages.

8. I'd like to see more organized coverage of tournaments when it comes to VODs and results. Of course we would need more organized tournaments before that.

BWH and Moderation topics should not show up in the active topic sections. There is no point to it being there.


I have an idea for an organized achievements page. It would replace the current records page and be a lot more organized.

Sections: 40L and other popular game modes, then an "other" category for modes with hardly any players. The records page should automatically count for all games unstead of dividing by which game. The game it was played on should be one of hte column names. So if I want to see TF records i can just click on the Column and sort by game and see the fastest tf record that way.

Another section would be for Tournament wins, It would just be a list of tetris events and winners in chronological order.

Upon viewing someones profile there will be an achievements section.

the teams section needs to be wiped clean and should only be used by legitimate teams instead of being used as groups. Teams should be by application and mod approval. Would only be useful for actual team tournaments.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Quote from: myndzi

Certainly. The PCG icon is kind of tongue-in-cheek, so I'm sorry you think it's tacky - but this is the kind of contribution it exists to recognize. Here's the link once more to the thread where members can submit people for PCG status.

Well the contribution should be recognized yeah, but there are nicer icons you could use instead of a smiley face

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--] How much total has been donated, sure. How much per person, definitely no.[/quote]

well that's what i meant - total donated

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: Paradox
the teams section needs to be wiped clean and should only be used by legitimate teams instead of being used as groups. Teams should be by application and mod approval. Would only be useful for actual team tournaments.
I back this - to be honest I'd remove the section entirely unless it's going to get an overhaul. It serves basically no purpose at the moment (as far as I can tell anyway, it's not like it makes team discussion or contacting any easier) and for the few teams we do have they get organised and recruit through threads anyway.


5. A replay feature where you can upload nullpomino replay files and play them 60 fps in the browser.


Quote from: Blitz
5. A replay feature where you can upload nullpomino replay files and play them 60 fps in the browser.

this is possible with some of the work belzebub has already done. I think it is even possible with multiplayer games. We might have had some issues with chrome though I'm not sure.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]