Tetris Training

Started by TheMastaBlasta, December 14, 2012, 08:36:45 PM

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Here is a small list of some training methods I've been experimenting with to increase stacking speed for 40L. Some are definitely more trivial than others.

Stacking to the left as well as to the right
6 3 and 3 6 stacks
No Ghost piece
No Hold
Spawn Piece above grid to internalize placement from the next box before spawn
Close eyes and make next 3 moves, open and repeat
20G/Speed mania

I'm most curious about eliminating the use of hold, are people able to beat a TF marathon without hold getting only tetrises?

What else should I add to this list?


Holdless play is quite possible, especially with a forgiving randomizer like guideline games have. Getting only Tetrises is harder though, and with the length of a Marathon game you're at the mercy of the random number god. Watch some TGM 2 (TAP) videos for examples of long runs of holdless play


about the tf marathon thing, if you make great use of your previews then yeah:P cause in a 40L game for me, i can easily clear it all with tetrises, but when its on a larger scale i pay more attention to the previews.
and how about 4-5, or the 5-4 method:P
and play off previews only, keep your field in you peripheral view, and your preview in your main view, try that out

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: myndzi
Holdless play is quite possible, especially with a forgiving randomizer like guideline games have. Getting only Tetrises is harder though, and with the length of a Marathon game you're at the mercy of the random number god. Watch some TGM 2 (TAP) videos for examples of long runs of holdless play

It is true that holdless play help us improve our skill. However, I feel it is just only symptomatic treatment. What we would like to see is not some temporary expedient, but the training method to break limits of our physical abilities. I want to recommend keyblox