Interview with MarioThePhenom

Started by ohitsstef, December 03, 2012, 10:04:46 AM

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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Name: Mario
Age: 16
Tetris age: 2 years
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

nullpo 40l 29.38
dig challenge 4.13
dig race 14.86
TGM1: S7
Marathon+ 524940
TF sprint 29.93
TF marathon 860,649
TF survival 973195
ultra 46,910[/div]

How did you first get started in Tetris?
well, almost two years ago, i came home to my brother playing marathon on tf, and he looked at me and said" i bet you cant beat me". i proved him wrong

How did you move from casual Tetris to competitive Tetris?
funny cause i was thinking about that the other day. "what makes you a competitive tetris player?"
Hmm good question. I think a casual player would be someone who plays more single player modes.. and doesn't become extremely passionate over a lost. Also the amount of time you put into the game
hmm, well i guess i was a casual player when my only rivals were my friends who i soon beat  i guess the one incident that moved me to competetive play was the tto finals. blink vs hebo. thats when i got really into learning about all the different things. up until that moment i was kind of just doing whatever

Did you participate in TTO? Or just spectate?
i didnt know such a thing existed up until i saw that match, so i didnt spectate or participate in tto. Clearly I was an active HD member ;P

haha how long have you been on HD?
ooo, i wonder.... probably april of 2011
What was your first impression of the HD community?
"theres a lot of things on here"

What's your Tetris goal?
at the moment? its to beat some rivals i have  but my entire tetris goal is to become a top tier player

What's your favorite Tetris platform?
probably nullpo. but i still enjoy tf for the community, and top for the actualy game play, nullpo never has pple online

Do you play any other games besides Tetris?
yeah... although not early as much as i play tetris  i play yu gi oh, cod, just recently got into competetive pokemon and zelda games

What do you think is the most important skill a good tetris player should have?
Experience and the ability to learn from how your opponent plays to beat them. Because speed and downstacking well is too mainstream.

Do you study your opponents when you play against them?
normally before a tournament match i ask for a round or two of warmup, and thats when i take my time to see what kind of a player they are and ajust how i play accordingly. along the course of the mattch if they start tochange accorind to what im doing, i ahve to pay atention to that too and change again, tetris becomes a mind game for me

What's your average apm and lpm?
50-60 APM 46 LPM

What do you wish to see for the competitive Tetris scene in 3 years?
for TTC to actually make a game that accommodates for all the competitive player needs, that'd be a great start. secondly, more coverage, more tournaments that are streamed. i could go on about what most people have said in many threads, but id like to see an international tetris forum, and one that accepts all games, you know what i mean? it'll have multiple subforums for each language, and even a built in translator to understand each other. kinda odd but yeah, to me, that would be something to see in the future

Any shoutouts?
A message to all my rivals, you know who you are: I'm going to beat all of you soon, so watch out!
profane, jixsoo, polaris, and a tetris friend user named Vince

Feel free to post up more questions for Mario to answer =) I did this interview a few months ago, but due to some HD hiatus didn't post it until now.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Mario I challenge you to a 1v1 IN PERSON when you come to my school in 2 years
I hope you wont be a top tier player by then...


Why is it that you have balls enough to play on unfamiliar clients (BB and especially C2) unlike most fags players originating from TF?


Quote from: ohitsstefHighscores
nullpo 40l 31.53
When will you sub 30?


[div align=\\\"center\\\"]
Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


his last shout out was prophetic....damn it


Quote from: tk198
Mario I challenge you to a 1v1 IN PERSON when you come to my school in 2 years
I hope you wont be a top tier player by then...
youll still be there in two years eh? gladly, ill put you to shame

Quote from: Sisu
Why is it that you have balls enough to play on unfamiliar clients (BB and especially C2) unlike most fags players originating from TF?
well if you look at a player like blink, he played t-net, and then bb, and now tf and whatnot. so the balls came when i realised the more clients you play the better you can get:P plus, i was beating tf fags players too easily, needed more of a challenge
Quote from: Integration
When will you sub 30?
never, not pro enough too
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--] his last shout out was prophetic....damn it[/quote]
what can i say?

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: MarioThePhenom
well if you look at a player like blink, he played t-net, and then bb, and now tf and whatnot. so the balls came when i realised the more clients you play the better you can get
Holy fuck. The force is strong with this one.  

Ok, now explain your relationship with ambert and team FTR.


Oh yeaah I forgot to mention - MarioThePhenom recently joined our big family - Team STARS!

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: ohitsstef

nullpo 40l 31.53

????? I thought that you sub 30'd already o.0 ; it even says it right there in your signature...
ポã,±ãƒŸãƒŽã§ã™~ ^u^

but i'm not japanese lol


Quote from: pokemino
????? I thought that you sub 30'd already o.0 ; it even says it right there in your signature...

Some people just aren't as observant as you are

Mario who knows, maybe you'll get carpal tunnels by the time you see me, or maybe I will have surpassed you by then  (even though I probably practice half as much as you do).


Quote from: pokemino
????? I thought that you sub 30'd already o.0 ; it even says it right there in your signature...

sorry this interview was done a few months ago =) i just updated his 40 line score

i'll have the newly updated scores up in a few minutes

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: Sisu
Holy fuck. The force is strong with this one.  

Ok, now explain your relationship with ambert and team FTR.

well it was a clan i started on tf, and it kinda got killed when my rival (Vince) made another clan and decided to take everyone from mine, and they all left me for him  after that it got disbanded,a year later stars(thebest of the best) recruited me and yeah
FTR is nothing now
Quote from: tk198
Some people just aren't as observant as you are

Mario who knows, maybe you'll get carpal tunnels by the time you see me, or maybe I will have surpassed you by then  (even though I probably practice half as much as you do).
sise is the truly observant one  and well see, maybe you become really pro all of a sudden, we shall see

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


But why did Mario reply with:

Quote from: MarioThePhenom

never, not pro enough too

? O.o

And you beat my record mario? O:
ポã,±ãƒŸãƒŽã§ã™~ ^u^

but i'm not japanese lol


lol omg mario your spiky hair, it's actually cool