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Started by Gugigo, September 28, 2012, 02:25:33 PM

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Hello guys, nice to meet you. Im a 17 years old Brazilian who's trying to speak english, and probaly failing. I hope you help correcting me or something.

I just love Tetris, its the only thing i think i can do, but i don't have any friend who like it too. I've playing since 2009, when i discovery Tetris Friends, and everything i know about it i learned alone.
I'm rank 18 2P and 20(don't know how) 6P on Tetris Friends. Have no idea if this is bad or good.

I dont know if have another Brazilians like me, so im trying to learn something and make friends here.

My page on Tetris Friends -->;linkTag=nav

Ps: Im no a monkey or a BR HUEHUEHUE, but im terrible on english(Maybe you have already noticed).



Welcome! ♥

I know I'm not good enough to teach you tetris (since I'm too lazy to care too much about
the technical aspect of it). I do still enjoy tetris as much as any other person might.

I can on the other hand help you with English if need be! I speak English as a first language.

Once again, welcome!


Thank you very much. Any help is welcome


Hello and welcome.

You shouldn't have to worry too much about elaborately constructed paragraphs of protracted and incomprehensible vocabulary, so you should be fine

There are lots of good threads around for learning and getting better. Paul keeps a list here:

If you have specific questions, I recommend posting them in the applicable thread if there is one; otherwise just make your own. Some of us have nothing better to do than answer questions all day ;D


Oh thx. I'll try to don't worry about that.

And thx for post this thread, its helping alot.


Bem-vindo, espero jogar contra você algum dia.


Brasileiro(a) mesmo? Ou foi translate? lol

Se é, valeu e que bom ter outros brasileiros.


Não, eu sou espanhola. Mas obrigado! Eu não posso falar bem, mas é muito fácil de entender. Boa noite!