NullpoMino League Beta has begun!

Started by belzebub, September 11, 2012, 01:00:46 AM

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Quote from: StS
This. There have been some people abusing the fact that you don't lose points for disconnecting. Also, at one point I joined a game where one person had disconnected after being 4-0 down, and it just continued from that score.

Wow, that sucks.  Yeah, this needs to be worked out.  Maybe have it so once 2 people are in a league room, only those exact names can ever join it as players if someone disconnects and a slot becomes empty?  If the slot remains empty for longer than X minutes end the match with the person who stayed as the winner?  I don't know, just throwing ideas out.

Also, a website bug report when looking at some people's profiles from the cometchat:

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Quote from: Blink
How are disconnects handled?  Will it give you time to reconnect or do you automatically lose the match?  There needs to be some sort of penalty for people who leave without finishing their match, but still allow time  (maybe 3-5 minutes) for a reconnect incase something happened.

I think the best solution might just be to treat a disconnect exactly like a loss. Sure, honest players may lose points occasionally. However, in the long run, this is the best compromise in order to prevent any hair business from happening.

As for some having firm drop... I'm not sure it's supposed to be like that. Perhaps they found a work-around that belz didn't know about.


Quote from: caffeine
I think the best solution might just be to treat a disconnect exactly like a loss. Sure, honest players may lose points occasionally. However, in the long run, this is the best compromise in order to prevent any hair business from happening.

Yeah, this might be the simplest effective way to handle it.


Yeah, Though i like where Blink seemed to be going with the disconnect rule. Especially since the beta has some bugs causing dcs which need to be worked out. Giving them 1:30 to reconnect would be awesome if it can be done.

Also, I wasn't the only one with the chat problem . The quick fix is just minimizing it and bringing it back up. But yeah, should probably be looked into.

That said! Awesome game. I'm really excited.


I'm pretty sure disconnects willl count as loss eventually. Keep reporting bugs guys we need to compile a list of them. In order to make it so you don't have to redownload too many times, new clients will fix as many things as possible and possibly could take a while longer to release.
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What is the purpose of practice VS 1v1 exactly? I say force everybody to play rated lol. You don't even have to call it "league." You can just call it "play" (which might be less intimidating). I'm just worried that everyone will only want to play practice eventualy because they're afraid of losing their precious rating.


i don't think people should be forced to do league. practice is a good way to warm up and its okay that players might want ot avoid ranked play, we should cater to them as well. Also in the future it will be where the free for all type games get put in. Its just atm its only 1v1
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Wow, wasn't expecting that from you of all people. Thought you would've preferred the more Starcraft 2-type of design.


Quote from: caffeine
Wow, wasn't expecting that from you of all people. Thought you would've preferred the more Starcraft 2-type of design.

look at the feature list

even the players of sc2 want unranked play

Also sc2 has custom games lol.
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good job but unluckily lot of bugs/problems...

played some games of sprint, exit to main menu, repeat some times, and i'll be unable to enter sprint game (pressed A, selection sound played, but nothing happened). neither to watch replay.

also more than half of the times when i enter multiplayer game it crashes directly...

and sometimes after i played online, disconnected, and then "exit" doesn't work, i can't return to the main menu....

hope this feedback helps, and keep up this good work~


I'm disappointed to hear that Blizzard caved in and is taking that route. I think it will ultimately hurt the ladder in a big way. Don't get me wrong, I think it's fine to offer a custom type mode where players can fool around and stuff. However, practice mode is almost exactly the same as rated mode. I don't think it justifies complicating things by having two separate ones (where most people will just pick one of those and stay away from the other anyway). I think it just makes it more likely that people won't be able to find a match if they're playing the one that the others didn't gravitate to ("oh, everyone's on practice, I guess I have to do that too if I want to play some time today.")


you could maybe make it so that a DC is counted as a fixed point loss. so say you get disconnected or you blatantly quit then you lose the points that you didn't play and the other player gains them.  or even just a one point loss and gain.  personally i don't mind it counting as a straight out loss as im not the kind of person/player who's gonna take advantage of the rule.  just a deviation to what was already suggested.  

A problem i was having was i couldn't read all the text.  My screen looks as though i need a left/right scroll bar.  I couldn't find anyone else who was having a similar issue.  im aware that it may just be the size of my computer screen since my gaming PC monitor is pretty small.  i may move my other monitor to my Desktop to see if thats the issue.  

not much of a 'problem' but i hope that you guys can make it so we can increase the field size.  currently it's about the same size as BB and my biggest issue with BB was that my eyes would hurt after a while.  i'm a bit of an addict as most of you know and i'm not willing to 'just stop playing when my eyes/head hurt'  


Is the "Remember Me" feature working for you guys on the website?  I have to login every time.


Quote from: Blink
Is the "Remember Me" feature working for you guys on the website?  I have to login every time.

it remembers my details, but i still have to click log in
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Is there a reason why lock.wav was replaced with step.wav. It's kind of annoying since now it'll trigger that sound multiple times in succession when I soft drop a piece (opposed to just once).

If you're just trying to simplify it, I'd think it'd be better to just get rid of step.wav and only use lock.wav.

Edit: Btw, I'm pretty sure people are just changing the .rul file to get firm drop instead of 1G soft drop. Unfortunately, if there's no way to force a 1G, we should probably just enable firm drop for everyone.