How to improve Tetris Friends' performance

Started by Barneey, August 26, 2012, 09:00:14 AM

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Quote from: maddada
ok whats happening is that chrome is using more than one flash plugin at the same time which causes general flash preformance all around the web to be horrible..
what you do is this
1- write about:plugins in the adress bar
2- click on the + sign near details on the top right area of the page
3- you will see 2 flash plugins, you need to disable one of them and keep the other on..
im using this one

Location:   C:\Users\<USERNAMEHERE>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\21.0.1180.75\gcswf32.dll
Type:   NPAPI

and i disabled the one with the PPAPI type.

you sometimes have to redo this after chrome updates but it only happend once to me so far and its really easy..

now works very fast on my 2007-ish laptop.

This is amazing and deserves it's own thread for everyone who missed it.
Some people will have 3 flash plugins, disable the ones that do not end with "...gcswf32.dll".


thanks barney, i had three plugins and i was confused about which two to remove until i saw your post


[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]



Quote from: superCC
Anything similar for firefox?

More importantly, why Firefox over Chrome? Why anything over Chrome??

Give it just one shot and I swear it'll be like your first Lays potato chip.


I use Pale Moon, which is supposed to be firefox super optimized for Windows.  Plus, firefox has way more addons.


Quote from: superCC
Anything similar for firefox?
Firefox doesn't use its own Flash plugin stuff so doesn't have this problem to begin with. Or at least, any Flash issues are on Adobe's end.


Ohh thank you~ I learnt somethig new about my nrowser.... Now to test it out.


My god. I can actually use my preferred DAS setting now. Amazing.


Interesting, a solution that makes sense! (unlike clear cache, defrag, set process priority, etc.)

Please report in if this works well for you!

Edit: After doing a little research, it seems that the PPAPI interface is newer, which would explain why some people may be having problems with it -- but it is also more secure (sandboxed better) and will provide better access to things like hardware acceleration. Be aware of this when disabling it.


I tried this and it didn't work for me.  The ads wouldn't run, which kept the game from starting.  I did disable the one driver after that and got some improvement, but IE works best for me.

I know that I'm not optimized in some fashion, though, there are ppl running circles around me in Arena, and I don't really think it can all be attributed to skill.  I play at a low 18 top 17 level.

I wish I could find out exaclty what ppl are doing to be so fast.  There must be a secret.  Or, maybe I'm just slow and won't believe it.



This will make TF run faster, not make you play faster. If people are 'running circles around you', I dare say it's because they simply are faster stackers (or perhaps they are simply more efficient stackers?). To clarify, there is a HUGE difference in skill between the top players and even the low-skilled Rank 20s, and an even bigger difference between top players and a Rank 18.

I'm not trying to discourage you here, but just making a point: it probably is a difference in skill. That being said, you're still at a stage where you'll be seeing vast improvements - work on your sprint, work on your downstacking, work on your TSpin efficiency and overall attacking. Chances are you'll be amazed at how much you can improve within a short timespan.

Also, a small afterthought: have you upgraded your tuning settings? If not, that might be making a big difference.

EDIT: Grah, I knew I was forgetting something. In response to "I wish I could find out exaclty what ppl are doing to be so fast" - the answer is definitely "practice, lots of it".
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Thanks for the reply, StS.  I appreciate your comments.  Let me flesh out my position a bit, though.

First, yes, I KNOW that I'm not the best TF player, but the others shouldn't be running circles around me.  I've been playing video games of one sort or another for a very long time.  I have played competitively in video games during their heyday (although some might say the heyday is now) in the 70's and 80's.  I also play competitive Foosball.  Sure, the young-uns are a bit faster, but I can usually counter with skill and guile.  I can hold my own with the best of them in most real world scenarios.

Additionally I play on a number of computers with a number of different types of connections.  There seems to be a HUGE difference between which computer/connection I'm using and how well I do.  On some computers I can only play at a 16-17 level, on my favorite I can play at an 18 or so level.

There are points where I can feel the speed of the game feel faster.  Normally between games in Arena when I practice b4 the next match.  I can do some amazing stuff (for me anyway) because it feels like some speed impediment has been removed.

I can feel the differences between computers, as well.  Oh, btw, I have two accounts, one where I paid to max out the the tuning settings.  The other account I didn't want to pay for anything, so my tuning is a little lower.

It appears to me that some players can drop the blocks with control faster than my computer can just drop the blocks, period.

I've found that a USB keyboard doesn't seem to work as well as the old connected ones (I think it is called PS2 or something).  Wireless connections suck when playing TF.

So, since you are gracious enough to offer advice.  Is there some optimum settings on a computer that can help scores? Do most players use the default button setup, or custom.

A small connection speed difference seems to make a huge difference in one's ability to do stuff.  I can feel it when I play, and it is almost as if I"m being held back when I play.

As far as my wife is concerned, I play TF WAY too much.  I started playing to hone my mental speed for my Foosball play, now I play more TF than I do foosball.

I'm thinking that there is something OTHER THAN SKill that comes into play here.

I'm rambling here, but it seems like I'm missing something other than skill, and it probably has something to do with my computer, connection speed, computer settings, etc.

I'm aware of the difference between the normal 20's and the 20-999's, there is a huge difference.

Anyway, I would like to know what the difference is between two extremely similar computers and connections that can make a consistent 10 second difference in my Sprint score (1:10's vs 1:20's).  I wonder if there isn't something I can do to optimize and play like I do between the matches in Arena.

Last question, is there some competition in public where I can see these top players play?  Only if I can actually see the difference in person will I believe that they are really twice as fast as I am.

Thanks again for your reply, and sorry for such a long post.


Also, what is Nullpo?  The only thing I've played is TF.  Any suggestions on that front.  What are my other options?  Thanks in advance, once again.  --RW


If you want to see someone playing on the screen and with their hands:

Also Nullpomino is a downloadable Tetris clone (it's what Paradox is playing in the video). One thing to note about it, is that it doesn't line clear delay, it has sonic drop (when you soft drop, the piece falls instantly to the floor, but you can still move it around for another second or so), and it has instant DAS/Shift Gravity (when you activate the DAS by holding down the left/right key, shift gravity is how fast the piece moves to the left/right), so it allows you to go at much faster speeds than you can on Tetris Friends.

It also has other modes that Tetris Friends doesn't have, like dig challenge, which is a mode where garbage constantly rises and you just downstack for as long as possible. Nullpomino also has vs mode online.
My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next