What does the Tetris scene need right now?

Started by Blink, July 26, 2012, 11:27:30 AM

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I'd rather have a good tetris game than a large, active tetris community. Maybe I'm the minority here.


Quote from: Estrelleta
I'd rather have a good tetris game than a large, active tetris community. Maybe I'm the minority here.

I'm fine with it not being huge but I want it to be decent sized. I'd like to log onto a good tetris game and see 50-100 people on during its active hours.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Quote from: Paradox
I'd like to log onto a good tetris game and see 50-100 people on during its active hours.
I know game like this, just this community choose not support it.
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


Quote from: graphite
New users I think are far less inclined to have to download a tetris game and spend hours figuring out what all the configuration options mean.  Then try to connect to multiplayer and have to figure out what a tripcode is in order to rank themselves.
The thing is, both of these options are under community control. TF is something which has a much larger player base, but it also puts the competitive scene at the mercy of TTC. If they don't design a game for competitive play, we have no say. If they decide to shut TF down, we have no say.

Nullpomino as a game has a huge number of flaws, but they're at least flaws that it's possible for the community to address.

Quote from: graphite
Then if they do connect they'll get completely dominated by others since the number of new people playing null is quite small.  The multiplayer layout and ranking system built into TF is decent, and it already has a large and diverse user base.
This is the reason TF is a good choice. Honestly, it then becomes a trade-off IMO between how small we're OK with the scene being (or how much hope we put into the prospect of it going viral) and how good and community-led we actually want the game to be. You can design the greatest VS Tetris game in the world but it's not worth much if nobody actually plays it.


Until TTC shows that it's ready to pull its weight in organising tournaments (and not just backing whichever ones they see fit), we're not gonna get a big scene.
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Estrelleta
I'd rather have a good tetris game than a large, active tetris community. Maybe I'm the minority here.

I don't think there can be a "good game" without the support of a large active community. This goes for any game. If you have a small community, it's less likely to have games grow in any direction because there's no pressure for the game to grow.

This goes for how Tetris has grown, without the active community it wouldn't've gone anywhere. The large active community is the reason why there are games like Nullpomino, Blockbox and Cultris available for us.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: ohitsstef
I don't think there can be a "good game" without the support of a large active community. This goes for any game. If you have a small community, it's less likely to have games grow in any direction because there's no pressure for the game to grow.
I think it's the opposite. You start with a good game, and then the community will come.


Quote from: caffeine
I think it's the opposite. You start with a good game, and then the community will come.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.



Quote from: caffeine
I think it's the opposite. You start with a good game, and then the community will come.

Yeah it has to start with a good game.. but the good game doesn't grow or anything without the community. What estrelleta is saying is she'd rather have one good game than the active community. I think both go hand in hand.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


No, active is fine, but are we trying to get a more active community to the detriment of good tetris games? Cause I can't stand behind that.


Quote from: Estrelleta
No, active is fine, but are we trying to get a more active community to the detriment of good tetris games? Cause I can't stand behind that.

Can you explain how you think a more active community would be detriment to good tetris games?

Because we had a really active community on TOJ and it went down. Which was no fault to the community.. but because I guess they weren't making enough money? Nevertheless it went down.

There will always be pros and cons to everything, nothing's going to be perfect... but I don't see how having a more active community would be bad for Tetris.

You said that you'd rather have a good game than an active community. How does a good game emerge without an active community? Like I said without an active community, like Harddrop, there would be a lack of clones. Or let's say there'll still be clones but they'll be less known. Also without an active Tetris community there would be a lack of different modes.. and Tetris Friends probably wouldn't've released Arena if it weren't for the active Tetris community.

@Caffeine - Your statement that there should be a good game first then an active community.. Nullpo's pretty good, but there's no active community. On the other hand Tetris Friends is not that great, but they have an active community.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: Blink
What do you think the Tetris scene needs right now?

More game-voices other than Default Debbie. While she's great, absolutely wonderful, I would also like some variety once in a while.


Quote from: Blink
As we all know, activity is low again like several times in the past.  

My dedicated team of Tetris analysts want your input:  What do you think the Tetris scene needs right now?

More tournaments?  New admin? Advertising around?  More streams?  Better games?
Also, why?

tetrinet 2.