Using previews

Started by retep, May 21, 2012, 08:15:56 AM

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Quote from: myndzi
I can fix that, I believe. We should be able to attach replays in threads.
Nullpo replays?????? Love you

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Didn't realize just how bad i sucked til I tried this. Wasn't even sure how to turn off ghost pieces til this thread. With just turning off the ghost i do O.K. But forcing the piece to spawn higher forces me to do 2 things, remember the preview, and knowing exactly how to get the piece where it belongs.

( i haven't even  cleared 40 lines yet with this method  )


Quote from: StevieSmiley
Didn't realize just how bad i sucked til I tried this. Wasn't even sure how to turn off ghost pieces til this thread. With just turning off the ghost i do O.K. But forcing the piece to spawn higher forces me to do 2 things, remember the preview, and knowing exactly how to get the piece where it belongs.

( i haven't even  cleared 40 lines yet with this method  )

Yup, I feel the exact same way. I have managed to finish 40 lines twice now with this though, but times were 4:44 and 3:58 lol

I think this is the right approach though, to take it very slow and think about each piece placement and try to get as many to go to the place you want as possible and slowly work on improving times. In the times I managed to complete 40 lines I had .45 and .54 pieces per second respectively with about 90% (estimate) accuracy in placing pieces. I have also tried simply going quickly and while I can play fairly well (about 2 pieces per second), I only have about 75% accuracy with placing pieces at this pace and usually don't get past more than like 25 lines before i top out.

So anyway, like I said I think it is probably better to learn by going slow at first and aim for as high accuracy as possible and gradually get faster. I believe this will then work out to first improve finesse and then gradually make that finesse become muscle memory so you don't have to think about it. Also, as you mentioned it helps by forcing you to remember the preview (I have already found this helping me in general tetris gameplay).


Alright, well I just figured I would give a bit of an update on my progress (I am unsure if there is a thread for this and didn't really want to create a new one). Anyway I just recently smashed my personal best (previously 1:12.86) with a time of 1:05.63 and am now averaging around 1:20-1:25 with times around 1:15 being fairly common. Although I am still working on finesse, I recently found out that I was placing some pieces sub-optimally, despite using the same number of key presses (eg. placing a blue piece in default orientation one square from the left I have been doing: DAS to wall, tap right instead of simply tap left 2 times).

I imagine I could have improved a lot more but I have been spending a lot of time on Diablo 3 (over 110 hours) as well as getting more shifts at work recently. But with the RMAH out I am selling all my items and basically quitting, I am not very satisfied with the game tbh... Hopefully more tetris


Quote from: retep
Alright, well I just figured I would give a bit of an update on my progress (I am unsure if there is a thread for this and didn't really want to create a new one). Anyway I just recently smashed my personal best (previously 1:12.86) with a time of 1:05.63 and am now averaging around 1:20-1:25 with times around 1:15 being fairly common. Although I am still working on finesse, I recently found out that I was placing some pieces sub-optimally, despite using the same number of key presses (eg. placing a blue piece in default orientation one square from the left I have been doing: DAS to wall, tap right instead of simply tap left 2 times).

I imagine I could have improved a lot more but I have been spending a lot of time on Diablo 3 (over 110 hours) as well as getting more shifts at work recently. But with the RMAH out I am selling all my items and basically quitting, I am not very satisfied with the game tbh... Hopefully more tetris

Yey, tetris  You're doing a nice job, probably gonna overtake me soon enough  I average around 1:10 now, with a PB single of 58.00  won't be playing so much though these few weeks, have to study. Haha. I should download this mod too, my piece placements are very bad.