Meet the Bellows

Started by myndzi, May 20, 2012, 10:51:40 PM

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Okay, so I came up with this setup quite some time ago for King of Stackers. It compounds all-spin bonuses with combo bonuses in a flexible way that's pretty easy to stack once you know some of the components. I do think in certain forms it is viable in live play as well, though it's much less likely to pull off the whole combo. I've never really gone in depth into explaining it, so here it is.


I've used various forms of it over the course of my play on KoS.


The compact form can be stacked, if you're lucky, in exactly two bags. The canonical form can be stacked in exactly three (again, with luck). The Gallows version is designed to have enough 4-wide space at the bottom to build up to +4 combo BEFORE you start with the spins, compressing the maximum attack amount into a single 7-piece turn. I don't expect it will ever get used in a legitimate game, but it sure is fun

The point of having two single-double units is actually flexibility, not power:

You can take the I-spin at any time. You can do Z-J, S-L pairs at any time, and T can substitute for Z or S. If you don't have the pieces ordered conveniently, you can place some of your pieces on the bottom and still take attacks at the top before (possibly) finishing up with the bottom spins/clears.

Some stacking patterns:


In general, the three-unit stack makes a really handy allspin single-double and can be used easily even without the setup. The power comes from putting them together into a combo sequence. It's extra important to avoid spin mini singles in Nullpomino because the garbage table doesn't send anything for those (KoS and NP 7.6 it does).

It's designed to "eat" an entire bag's variety of pieces in spins, but if you don't want to risk it you can always extend it into a combo after a few notches; it will kick start your combo garbage with a nice punch.

This happens to be my favorite setup for KoS, but I don't really use it a lot because I'm afraid people will get annoyed


myndzi u are a beast
40 line sprint in Nullpomino: 32.88


Simple yet sexy concept, kudos to you sir


I've been seeing 3-4 players on KoS opening with this setup:

I hear that it derived from this thread, but I'd like to know who designed this particular blank field setup? I find it particularly elegant and it's easy to pull off consistently.

Edit: to contribute a little, let me introduce the Bellows' little brother, which I've nicknamed the 'shallows':


This form can follow from a perfect clear opening. It can be completed in two bags (two KoS turns), and can send 18 attack with no combo follow through.

It's not as elegant as the idea above, but with a little luck you can pack more spins into it, due to the more efficient use of the second bag. It's reasonably easy to build with some work, since you can put the I slot in various places, and it also works as a non-pc opener with an easy side setup like so:


The key insight in this one is that because the 'teeth' are all on one side in the original bellows, between each single-double pair a line gets left over -- which is 8 'wasted' minos. This happens once in the canonical setup, and can serve as a place to discard an(other) O piece, or help trail out with a combo. By alternating the teeth here, we can use the minos from the 'solid' side to act as the overhang for the bottom single-double combo.

Edit2: I guess I did diagram this variant in the OP, but I didn't talk about the why of it


Quote from: myndzi
I've been seeing 3-4 players on KoS opening with this setup:

I hear that it derived from this thread, but I'd like to know who designed this particular blank field setup? I find it particularly elegant and it's easy to pull off consistently.

Perhaps Chopin.


Chopin hasn't played KoS in like two years unfortunately  This is newer than that...