Hard Drop Changelog

Started by RequestMike, April 20, 2012, 08:32:52 PM

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Hey everyone!
I am Blink's brother and have some experience with web development/design/hosting, etc. In the next few weeks I'll be optimizing the website and doing any fixes that may affect your user experience here at Hard Drop. If you happen to run into a bug, just reply here and I'll try to fix it in a timely manner. If this is a critical bug that can potentially harm the community/members/website, send a private message to me or Blink instead. It's better that no one else knows about critical bugs, thanks for your cooperation.

Changelog will be categorized in the following:
[COSMETIC] - Not harmful to the community, may affect the look and feel of website.
[OPTIMIZE] - Not harmful to the community, more of an issue for better performance.
[WARNING] - This may or may not be harmful to the community.
[ERROR] - This potentially is harmful to the community.

* optimize HTML/CSS/Javascript to all server files. Reason: better performance. [OPTIMIZE]
* fix links with special characters not working. Reason: broken links. [WARNING]

05/22/2012 - Set a cronjob to automatically check for broken tables every hour.
05/07/2012 - off-site backups are now implemented.
05/07/2012 - increased to daily backups.
04/29/2012 - automatic weekly backups scheduled.[WARNING]
04/21/2012 - links from shout box open in one same tab when you open them with normal click. Reason: if you click on another link it will overwrite the previous tab. [COSMETIC]
04/21/2012 - shout box doesn't scroll all the way to the bottom if text spans more than one line. Reason: annoying scroll bar. [COSMETIC]
04/21/2012 - fixed/modified robots.txt, craw-delay set to 10 seconds and robots.txt was not set up properly. Reason: by default search engines are greedy.  [OPTIMIZE]
04/20/2012 - updated jQuery library to 1.7, replaced .attr to .prop. Reason: preventing the scroll bar of shout box from scrolling down automatically. [COSMETIC]
04/20/2012 - event.layerX and event.layerY are broken and deprecated in WebKit. They will be removed from the engine in the near future. Reason: It caused members unable to shout after awhile. [WARNING]
04/20/2012 - shout_refresh was undefined. Reason: It caused members unable to shout. [ERROR]


yay thx for everything you do :]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]



might just be me, but the shoutbox doesn't scroll all the way to the bottom if text spans more than one line. It will just scroll down enough to see only the first line.
"I just know everything." - kwillin


Quote from: virulent
yay thx for everything you do :]
No problem

Quote from: BARNCHAK
btw, are you hienwa ?
No, that is another brother.

Quote from: xenoslash
might just be me, but the shoutbox doesn't scroll all the way to the bottom if text spans more than one line. It will just scroll down enough to see only the first line.
I'll check on it in a few, thanks for pointing that out.


one thing that always annoyed me, links from shoutbox open in one same tab when you open them with normal click.
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Quote from: Wojtek
one thing that always annoyed me, links from shoutbox open in one same tab when you open them with normal click.

Got it, I'll note that.


04/21/2012 - links from shout box open in one same tab when you open them with normal click. Reason: if you click on another link it will overwrite the previous tab. [COSMETIC]
04/21/2012 - shout box doesn't scroll all the way to the bottom if text spans more than one line. Reason: annoying scroll bar. [COSMETIC]
04/21/2012 - fixed/modified robots.txt, craw-delay set to 10 seconds and robots.txt was not set up properly. Reason: by default search engines are greedy.  [OPTIMIZE]



I don't see why the links are underlined in the shoutbox now, I mean if it helps the tab issue then good, but if it's purely cosmetic revert it. I'm probably just complaining because I'm not used to it, but it was easy to tell that links were links due to their contrasting but not annoying colour.

Also, certain characters in links still break them.


Thanks a lot for fixing the shoutbox  
"I just know everything." - kwillin


Quote from: coolmaninsano
I don't see why the links are underlined in the shoutbox now, I mean if it helps the tab issue then good, but if it's purely cosmetic revert it. I'm probably just complaining because I'm not used to it, but it was easy to tell that links were links due to their contrasting but not annoying colour.

Also, certain characters in links still break them.

I think the real issue we have here is the #! special characters breaking the links. I'll have to fix that as a priority and I'll also take out the underline once I go over it with Blink, I could have sworn the underlining of links existed before the update as well.


Quote from: RequestMike
I think the real issue we have here is the #! special characters breaking the links. I'll have to fix that as a priority and I'll also take out the underline once I go over it with Blink, I could have sworn the underlining of links existed before the update as well.

i thought it was a norm for #! to break links

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


[COSMETIC] the shoutbox doesn't autoscroll down to the bottom for me at all.
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Paul676
[COSMETIC] the shoutbox doesn't autoscroll down to the bottom for me at all.

I think it only happens when you aren't logged in. Can you confirm this? I'll fix it so it scrolls down for guests as well though.


Does not scroll for me either and I am always logged in.