180 T-spins - a fumen guide

Started by Paul676, April 20, 2012, 06:24:40 AM

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Guide on 180 T-Spins:

In NullpoMino TOJ and Allspin style vs, 180 t-spins are a vital weapon in your arsenal. In places where you wouldn't be able to do a normal t-spin, often 180 t-spins can be made. This can have a huge impact on your attack, not only because you can do t-spin doubles where you couldn't before, but also because: a. Once you know how to set them up, t-spin triples are easier to do 180 than normal, and don't cause an annoying overhang which you have to downstack out of; and b. 180 t-spin doubles often leave a field suited to making normal t-spin doubles.

Note: These don't work in blockbox or king of stackers, just nullpomino..

1.      How do you set up 180 t-spin doubles on the fly?

First, I will show you an opening setup which is usable a little over 50% of the time, which will illustrate the principles behind 180 t-spin doubles.


From this we see that we have a base, and a 1-step lay-down. I call it a 1-step lay-down because the left-hand side is 1 step higher than the right. Henceforth I shall call the field from frame 6 (the base and the lay-down) the base.

So here is the 0-step base:


This is suitable for normal t-spinning

Here is the 1-step base:


This is suitable for 180 t-spin doubles

Here is the 2-step base:


This is suitable for 180 t-spin triples

It is easy to convert 1 base into another by careful use of pieces:


You can use any piece which is 1 mino high, such as a flat I, J, L etc to make a 0-base into a 1-base, or a 1-base into a 2-base. You can use any piece which is 2 minos high, such as an O, or an upright Z/S, or the end of a J/L to make a 0-base into a 2-base.

2. Effect on the field for future t-spins and downstack:

A 180 tsd functions like a normal TST - the ideal downstack line is 1 to the left of a normal t-spin double.


A 180 tst functions like a normal tsd - it leaves a nice flat line to downstack.


Of course it is easy to see that a 180 tst leaves the same downstack line as a 180 tsd, except the tip of the T has already been cleared by the 2-base, meaning that it is no longer 1 to the left..

So why do a 180 tsd if it's bad for your downstack?

Well, if executed in the right way, it leads to easy downstack afterwards, and so making you able to send 4 more lines than standard downstacking would.


3. 180 tsds also lead to an easy tsd afterwards:

Back to our old favourite opening setup - this shows how versatile the 180 tsd is:


4. Advanced: Thinking about 180 tsds, when you're not sure which side to put the overhang (useful for allspins players):

The 180 tsd overhang is the same as 180 s/z spin overhang (of the type where the s/z lies down flat), and is the opposite side to the 180 s/z spin overhang (of the type where the s/z stands up)


So if you're seeing an SSD rather than a TSD, you've got it on the wrong side. Using the ghost piece to test it out when you're not sure is the easy way to success.

Finding 180 tsds using different overhangs, just like standard tsds:


Frame 14 shows that some types of 180 TSD can be seen as incomplete TSTs.

5. Thinking about 180 TSTs:

Another way to think about setting up 180 TSTs is by setting up the TST shape, but instead of making an overhang, stack a block the 'wrong side' of the TST. Then you can 180 the T in for a TST.


6. Bonus: You can do an imperial cross without an overhang by 180ing the T in. This often leads to a second tsd.


So this is my guide on how to set up 180 TSDs and TSTs

I leave you with a fumen of what to do if you try to setup a 180 TST with a 3-base.

               Tetris Belts!


Great work Paul, i'm such a n00b in 180. It would be nice if you could embed the fumens then we can compare different fumens (imho). If you prefer it this way because it's more of an overview i understand.

Thanks for the great job!