Dr. Mario Request

Started by benmullen, January 19, 2012, 07:26:48 AM

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So, Dr. Mario used to be one of the great puzzle games.  In the NES era it was tetris and Dr. Mario, but Nintendo seems to have done nothing with the franchise over the years.  I think it could benifit greatly from the sorts of advances tetris games have had such as hard drop, multi peice preview, and hold chamber.  But other than 2 exact replica games on snes and 64 nintendo never really touched the title again after the NES.

So, I dont know who makes these tetris "clones" but i bet those folks come to these forums, and I'm just saying, you could throw an up to date Dr. Mario version out there... if ya want


puyo pop fever is a great game similar to dr. mario, used to play that a lot. As well as dr. robotnik's bean machine haha.

It would be very intresting to see a heavy multiplayer version of the puzzle game.
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There's a newer version available on Nintendo's download service for the Wii.  It was made by Akira and features hard drop, three-piece preview, and online play.

There are also versions for the Game Boy Advance and Gamecube (Nintendo Puzzle Collection) as well as a port of the Akira Wii version on the DS download service that feature hard drop and extended preview, but no online play.   There is no official version which implements a hold feature.

Additionally NullpoMino features a Dr. Mario mode titled "Physician".

(Also, Puyo Puyo Tsu owns bones and you should totally check it out.)
Oh hey, have you played my new game? It's like Tetris, only instead of controlling the blocks you just watch as the screen fills up faster and faster, and the only button you have is labelled "Oh crap oh crap".