Hello All.

Started by thebard, January 14, 2012, 12:14:37 PM

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Hello all, thebard here.

The reason I signed up at HD is due to a revelation I had recently:
Although I love many games and have spent a good portion of my life playing them, I've never been particularly good at one game (or game series).  I usually end up spreading myself too thin and become a "jack of all trades, master of none" type.  I decided that if I want to keep games as my hobby I should at least buckle down and spend some time getting better-than-average at a game.  I'm under no delusions that I'll ever become a "TA Death" clearing grand master, but I'd like to improve, and HD seems like a place filled with some pretty cool cats.

TL;DR: I want to get better at Tetris, and you guys seem cool.  Let's have fun and improve.

I also have spent my time online for the past few years at a very large forum (SA), and I miss the old days of a smaller, more tightly-knit forum.  Hopefully I'll get to know a few of you people better in my time here.

I'm a graduate student and I also work as a cartographer for a company, so I may not have all the time in the world, but I'm looking forward to spending what time I have on HD.  I'm not particularly talented, but I'd like to improve.  I've been playing a lot lately, mostly on NullpoMino and occasionally on Tetris DX.  I used to play TAP semi-frequently at an arcade when I was still in Japan but I never got better than average, honestly.  I'm currently saving up to buy a board which my local arcade said they'd install in a candy.
Oh hey, have you played my new game? It's like Tetris, only instead of controlling the blocks you just watch as the screen fills up faster and faster, and the only button you have is labelled "Oh crap oh crap".


Welcome to HD!   Hope you'll enjoy it here~
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QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


In ARS we trust.


Hi there! Welcome to hard drop!
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