Fractal Tetris

Started by joeybeans, January 09, 2012, 01:19:54 AM

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Has anyone ever heard of or played Fractal Tetris?
It looks like a single player however, and pretty plain, but I'd still like to see how it works (it doesn't work on macs, so I can't see it).  Whoever can make a video of the gameplay gets +50 joeybeans points  


Im on it

Video uploading now - not a very interesting game though so I couldn't doo too much with it so Im okey with getting only 25 points as the game will probably be a disappointment anyway

The only thing fractal in the game is the background as far as I see but here is the link


Ooh cool thank you! Yeah that's kind of what I expected anyway  
+50 bean points to you, good sir!  



hey alex I wanna see the longer video

and I hope it has unspoken parts so I find the music with Shazam!




In honor of fractals and the disappointing Fractal Tetris, I made this small portion of the dragon curve. Be nice, it's my first tetris "art"


That's one for the refrigerator!


Quote from: myndzi
In honor of fractals and the disappointing Fractal Tetris, I made this small portion of the dragon curve. Be nice, it's my first tetris "art"

Super cool :-)

If this was reddit you would have so many upvotes.


oooh neat myndzi! What's the dragon curve used for besides in math?