
Started by Lotrzyna, December 12, 2011, 03:32:45 PM

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Hi all, let me introduce myself and ask for some advice - if you don't mind.

I'm new to Tetris community but not that new to Tetris in general.

I started playing Tetris around 1990 on ""NES/SNES?" and stopped when PSX came out. I did not know that there was a Tetris game for PS2 and therefore I got back only a year ago when PS3 version came out.

Unfortunately I don't remember my NES score but in Tetris Friends in 1989 game I got around 167K in around 50 tries however I hate playing on keyboard (in any type of games) and I'm not used to it yet.

In PS3 version at first I worked on my Marathon score - around 812K at the moment but would like to achieve a bit bigger score, then I played a bit with variants - mostly scanner mode  - 660k.

Finally I started playing online - it is quite fun I would say but I still need to learn a lot to be competitive - any player with constant TPM of 90 or more is destroying me - Xael - I really count on your lessons ! ... - not only Xael - I welcome any tip on how to get faster and better in general.

In my opinion PS3 version lacks a few things like - BIG mode (unless it is patented for TGM?), 1989 mode, some B2B mode - do you agree?

My current stats are:
Origin 40 lines played on lvl1 - 1min12s
Best in game TPM (only single player counts) - 89, in multi I had 96 with around 1min long game played with some random players.

I already had a help from Tetris community - one of the players (I don't know if I should tell his name) taught me how to do bravos from the beginning brackets

One more question - I own the Virtua Stick High Grade (I'm VF player in a first place) - do you think I could be faster with it instead of SIXAXIS ? - or would playing it only be useful in Akiba ? I first need to check if I can use it in PS3 Tetris though....



Hey, welcome to Harddrop it's great to have you here.
I would love to help you, (and I'm sure many others here would) but for me to do that I need to know a few things:
What Tetris games do you play and/or want help with?
What is your current 40 lines time?
What DAS/ARR do you use?

Edit: I should probably add that unless you need help for a Tetris game on a computer, I'm afraid I wont be able to offer much insight.



Quote from: Lotrzyna
Finally I started playing online - it is quite fun I would say but I still need to learn a lot to be competitive - any player with constant TPM of 90 or more is destroying me - Xael - I really count on your lessons ! ... - not only Xael - I welcome any tip on how to get faster and better in general.
Depending on ARR/DAS/LCD, games like PS3 are difficult to use full 2-step finesse on. Refer to "caffeine's Finesse guide" Otherwise practice + finesse + placement is the key to speed. A time around 40-45 is possible on PS3 Tetris, however u should consider playing PC tetris if u want to realistically get times under 40 seconds.

Also, if you have really good placements/tspins, it will be simple to beat players with even up to 130tpm while yourself staying at around 70tpm.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
One more question - I own the Virtua Stick High Grade (I'm VF player in a first place) - do you think I could be faster with it instead of SIXAXIS ? - or would playing it only be useful in Akiba ? I first need to check if I can use it in PS3 Tetris though....


One more question - I own the Virtua Stick High Grade (I'm VF player in a first place) - do you think I could be faster with it instead of SIXAXIS ? - or would playing it only be useful in Akiba ? I first need to check if I can use it in PS3 Tetris though....

Yes but usually you will need certain games that have ARE/instant das etc.
Games like

Tetris GrandMaster series

You will find it hard to use a VSHG on SRS (modern) tetris due to the fact there is no entry delay.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: Lotrzyna
any player with constant TPM of 90 or more is destroying me
It might feel cheap but if you can downstack really well then you can beat a much faster player assuming they are going for risk and aren't focusing on defense themselves (they probably would be leaning on attack if they know they're faster).
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


Quote from: LotrzynaHi all, let me introduce myself and ask for some advice - if you don't mind.
By all means, welcome.

Quote from: LotrzynaIn my opinion PS3 version lacks a few things like - BIG mode (unless it is patented for TGM?), 1989 mode, some B2B mode - do you agree?
No patents here, and you can't copyright games --  official games these days just tend to avoid the cooler, challenging single player modes and opt for casual play or cheap gimmicks.  It's unfortunate, because when they _do_ pick a promising idea to re-implement it tends to come out as a shallow representation of the original -- see: TGM Big -> Tetris Party's Beginner mode, or any good Doubles mode -> Tetris Party's gimped Co-Op, and so on. It's just the nature of the stagnation of most official games these days...

Quote from: LotrzynaOne more question - I own the Virtua Stick High Grade (I'm VF player in a first place) - do you think I could be faster with it instead of SIXAXIS ? - or would playing it only be useful in Akiba ? I first need to check if I can use it in PS3 Tetris though....
VSHG is a _sick_ stick for TGM and other arcade-style puzzle-action games -- just make sure you switch the restrictor plate to the diamond-shaped 4-way setting. For something like PS3 it should still be serviceable, as that game limits the speed quite a bit and actively prevents the kind of momentum preservation tricks where 8-way inputs or keyboards really shine. Keep in mind that sticks are tricky to rapid tap with; low gravity games with zero/low entry delay (i.e. most modern Versus games) tend to exhibit more double tap inputs than, say,  the TGM series, where autorepeat can be fully prepped before a piece enters and there are a lot of optimization tricks that allow avoiding multi-tap inputs (especially through the use of Sonic Drop or during 20G play).
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Welcome to Harddrop!
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Welcome! Feel free to add me. PSN = Hornswoggler. I can hit some decent speeds (110's on a good day) but not very good. Let me know when you are playing and maybe we'll get in a few games?