New to the Forum, Not New to the Game.

Started by RULINGCHAOS, November 14, 2011, 02:24:52 AM

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Greetings all.

Been a loyal Tetris player since the NES.  I am part of the 999,999 club.  Always been a fan of the original style.  Not to keen on the newer versions.  Although I am on Tetris Friends and Tetris Battle on Facebook.

Got one star away from level 50 on Tetris Battle.  Then fell to 48.  Dagnabbit.

Looking forward to contributing to the site.  I am not new to forums or Tetris.

Coffee and Garlic.  Two things I would not want to live without.


QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Try Cultris II if you have not already.

NES superstar Ben Mullen endorses it.


hey, welcome!

Got one star away from level 50 on Tetris Battle.  Then fell to 48.  Dagnabbit.
One tip for keeping 'God of Tetris' rank on TB is to use the 4wide center map "combo king". It's good combo practice and gives you a fast/free KO. If you don't know how to 4wide, even better because it will help you develop that skill.

Also, the triple fractal map cracks me up because it seems a lot of replays don't even use it to tspin. That's another easy way to level if you slam down tspins with wallkicks, but I don't think it's as fun as the combo king map. Also, why are you even playing on facebook? Might want to consider ToP or nullpomino.
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


Welcome =).  Impressive!  Do you know how many players in the world have maxed out NES?  Kitaru!  stat check!


I only know of the three confirmed max-outs on Twin Galaxies for certain.  Skooble said something about having done it in the CTWC '11 thread, but I didn't hear anything more on that front. It'd be cool to see more folks that weren't aware of the scene until now come out of the woodwork and post pics and replays, though.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


folks coming out of the wood work in inevitable... welcome to the forums!


Quote from: XaeL
nice.. vid of your 999999?
Hahaha... that was at LEAST 1995.  Have not played the original in many years.  I am a purist, so I need to get a nicely used NES first.  

Side note - a co worker of mine just spent $1,500.00 on Ebay for a NES, Super Nintendo, N64, and Gamecube.  All barely used in original boxes.  Now THAT is devotion.
Coffee and Garlic.  Two things I would not want to live without.


Quote from: Kitaru
I only know of the three confirmed max-outs on Twin Galaxies for certain.  Skooble said something about having done it in the CTWC '11 thread, but I didn't hear anything more on that front. It'd be cool to see more folks that weren't aware of the scene until now come out of the woodwork and post pics and replays, though.

interesting, i just found that Skooble one.  His seems a bit more on the ludacris side though"not gunna lie, ive maxed this out 3 times in a row"  I'm going file that claim under BOLD... then forget i ever read it  not to say im a skooble doubter perse... I fully belive and heres my prediction: right now there are 3 maxers + 5 with at least 800k... in one years time, those will BOTH double!

it can happen, with improvments from the the "knowns" and a bit of elbow grease applied to the "woodwork" from the movie, i guarantee it will happen.  If we dont get 5 maxers in a year from this date i bet there will be 12 above 800k...

a prediction... and a Challenge.  As part of that challenge i should offer a note to Rulingchaos: The NES Tetris community seems by and large to put more stock and validity in the TG (twin galaxies) website than do many of the more modern systems, so as you join our ranks you should take note of what TG standards are for videorecording gameplay and adhere to them as you start getting scores. As individuals of course we belive each other on the strengh of a pic or a less TGable vid, but TG stands as the ultimate test.

We are also nearly all each others FB friends... stalk us down and friend us if you so desire, its a great way to quickly share scores.

I additionaly offer you the same challenge i offered Buco in LA this year... it is a race to max, lets see who does it first


If anyone wants to add me on Facebook, my name there is Daniel Kerwood.  Profile picture is the same one on here.  Tetris Battle there.  

I also have a Tetris Friends account, but have not been on there in a while.  I should go back.
Coffee and Garlic.  Two things I would not want to live without.