NullpoMino video goes viral

Started by coolmaninsano, September 25, 2011, 12:32:02 AM

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A video of Shuey making a tetri-art of Luigi was featured on Cheezburger Network's WIN! site. The link to it is here. C'mon guys, let's go talk about NullpoMino in the comments and get new users.

EDIT: It was also posted at on September 10, 2011, link is here.

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funny how they were acting like anyone with boredom could do that
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I



great stuff - the prospect of maybe having nullpo on japanese televison (see comments) is pretty cool.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Yeh I saw that, Shuey's the master of tetris art/figures!



Congrats Shuey. I think i mentioned at least few times before that your video have potential to go viral. Too bad there is no mention of NullpoMino anywhere in video title, description, annotation or video itself (for example title screen at end or start of video), that would be great promotion for NullpoMino. Please have this in mind next time.
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throw a weegee clip at end and it would explode haha
<div style="overflow: hidden; background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 285px; height: 80px;position:relative;"><span style="width:60px;height:80px;float:left;overflow: hidden;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;"><a href="http://hard



Check this out they used tetris


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Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next


I didn't notice this thread until today, so I apologize for the late reply.  Thanks for the post coolmaninsano

DarthDuck: Thanks for that comment.  I'm amazed at how many haters are always waiting in the wings to pounce on something cool.

xlro: The video will be airing on Nippon Television on October 6th.  They were not the greatest communicators, so I'm still waiting for their reply with more info.  Oh and by the way, I DID tell them which game I used to create the pattern

Wojtek: Thank you.  I want to say that I've never set out to promote or discount anything related to the Tetris community.  The reason I've never really mentioned nullpomino, TetrisFriends or anything else in my videos is not because I don't care or because I don't want people to know about those games, it's simply because I've never really even thought about it; the focus of my videos has always been about the performance or whatever pattern I'm building.  But I totally understand and respect where you're coming from.  coolmaninsano pm'd me asking if I'd add an annotation to the Luigi vid.  I will add one about nullpo, hd and tc.  I'll also start posting a message in each of my videos (future and previous) that says which game I used and links to both hd and tc .

Zircean: Haha, I don't know if I should take that as an insult or a compliment.  There are so many people in the community that I look up to: You, Kitaru, colorthief, Kan, SAL, TetrisdAiSuki, Blink, etc, and there are so many skills and accomplishments by others that have blown me away.  I enjoy accomplishing goals and having fun with the various disciplines of Tetris that I've focused on thus far, and appreciate the recognition and support from everyone .

Anonymous: Hehe, I'm not sure about that, but I'm honored that anyone would even remotely mention me being someone that could promote Tetris and the Tetris community.


I request that you make a Luigi with one of these


I'm just playing, I couldn't have done what you did with a fumen.
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


Hehe, oh man, I've always wanted one of those V-Cubes!  I hear there's one now that's 11x11!