Tetris PSN

Started by jeffmakesgames, September 18, 2011, 09:19:32 AM

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Does anyone play Tetris on PSN? (PlayStation Network)

I been trying out shared mode, and it's a blast.


Hi welcome to the site Jeff!

I would say we get a thread about tetris PSN once a week on here. Maybe a thread like this should be stickied? I thought we had threads stickied with friend codes and player names for a bunch of different tetris games


Thanks for the welcome there.

Yeah, I just got Tetris PSN a few days ago and been having a blast with it.  (Also, the music is good, so I got a hold of it too.)   I been trying to find games of Shared mode, but been finding few people.  Hopefully I can find more on here.

I don't mind doing some battling either.