My Rant Thread

Started by CorrosiveX, September 12, 2011, 12:56:53 AM

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Are you feeding the demons?

by Bill Subritzky Sept 2011 Newsletter

Recently I prayed for a woman in her 40s who had been confined to a wheelchair with multiple sclerosis for the past two-and-a-half years. The multiple sclerosis began to develop after her husband left her five years ago.
I led her in a repentance prayer forgiving her husband and renouncing anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, rage and rejection. Then the power of God moved through her body.
The Lord led me to cast out many demons who were bringing sickness and disease into her body.
The anointing and power of God was flowing through her as I prayed and the anointing grew stronger and stronger.
Then the Lord told me to ask her to stretch out her legs, then her hands and arms, then to move her body. The Lord said to tell her to stand up and she did so. He then said to tell her to walk and she began to do so without the aid of the wheelchair.
She walked around the room three times as the healing power of God filled her and she began to be set free.
The demons lost their power when she repented and turned from anger, rage, unforgiveness, bitterness and rejection.
The demons were feeding on this food of anger, rage, unforgiveness, bitterness and rejection. They had to flee when she renounced these attitudes and she began to be healed. Despite the doctors saying she was crippled and would never walk again, she is now able to walk normally and lead a normal life.
In another incident, I prayed for a pastor who manifested wildly with various spirits afflicting him. I prayed for him quite often and each time he had a major release but the Lord kept saying to me that he had never forgiven his father.
However he kept telling me that he had forgiven his father.
Then one day a person came into his church and told this pastor that he had met the pastor's natural father in another city the previous week.
Then a week later another person came into the church and said the same thing.
The pastor then began to realise that God was speaking to him about his natural father who had deserted him at the age of eight. He had then been adopted and when I had asked him to forgive his father it was his adopted father that he had forgiven. He had put aside the memory of his natural father for the past 30 years and now he was being reminded about him.
He then realised that he had never forgiven his natural father.
He rang me and told me that he was about to phone his natural father. He was going to ask his natural father to forgive him for his wrong attitudes towards him and also say that he was forgiving him.
He said the day when he made this decision the demonic spirits spoke to him and said that if he did this he would be removing their "food", namely anger, rejection, rage and unforgiveness relating to his natural father whom he had never forgiven over the past 30 years.
This was an absolute revelation to him that the demons had been feeding on his anger, rejection, rage and unforgiveness. They had the legal right to stay while he had not repented in these areas.
He went ahead and spoke to his father and since then they have been reconciled. The demons have fled because their food was taken away and for the first time in 30 years the pastor now has an inner peace and healing in his spirit, soul and body. He is a changed man.
Again, I was ministering recently to a man to whom I had prayed for several times over the past three years but who had never been set free. He had come to one of our meetings and manifested violently. The demons were saying to him that they would kill his wife. It took three men to hold him down and bring him under control.
Subsequently I ministered to him on a number of occasions and many demons fled but the main demons would not leave. They began to mock me saying, "You will never get us out."
This man had been bullied by his brothers when he was a child. He had often spoken about it especially to his wife. He mentioned this to me on occasions as I prayed for him. I had told him many times he must forgive his brothers. He said he had done yet he kept talking about how they had bullied and mistreated him.
Suddenly I realised that the demons were feeding on his words of resentment about the way he had been treated. His wife told me that he was always talking about it.
I told him he must repent from this and he did so. As he said the prayer of repentance stating that he would no longer complain about the treatment of him by his brothers his whole face changed and the demons fled.
What does all of this mean?
It means that our words have a powerful effect. We can curse ourselves with our own words thereby feeding the demons with our anger, rage, unforgiveness and resentment. This is their food.
We curse ourselves when we make such statements as:
"I'll never be any good."
"I'll never make it."
"I am hopeless."
"I wish I was never born."
"God doesn't love me."
"I'll never speak to .... again."
"I hate myself."
"No one loves me."
"I want to die. I'm better off dead."
Other people can curse us by saying:
"You are a failure."
"You'll never be any good."
"You'll never achieve anything."
"You are ugly."
"You are a bad person."
"You are always a liar."
"It's in the family and you are sure to get it."
As we listen to the statements we need to forgive those making them otherwise we can be cursed.
This is the food that feeds the demons and encourages them to enter us and torment us.
We must renounce these sorts of comments. We must absolutely forgive as Jesus Christ has forgiven us at the cross and then we can be set free from all curses, sickness and disease.

As you read this, if you are suffering from any form of disease I would recommend strongly that you consider repenting from making such statements and forgive everybody as Jesus Christ has forgiven you at the Cross.
I suggest you say this prayer:

"Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the authority of that name I specifically renounce all curses. I renounce the curses that I placed upon my own life by my words or which have been placed there by the words of others who have abused and damaged me. I renounce in the name of Jesus Christ any such words that I have spoken. I will not say such words again because I realise I am cursing myself and I am inviting demons into my life through repeating these words. I receive Your forgiveness through the Cross of Jesus Christ. I forgive everybody who has spoken wrong words over me. I forgive them and ask You Lord to release me from the consequences. Thank You Father, in Jesus name. Amen."
40 lines: 26.67
Dig Race: 13.13


Myndzi, I fu**ing love you man. Same for you too DAS44. I know you're reading this

Also do any of you guys watch Castle? The season three finale was frickin awesome and I'm totally stoked for season four.
New BBT and South Park in the next month too. Gonna be awesome.


"Lester Sumrall was my pastor when i was 8 yrs old - My father ran his tv station in South Bend, Indiana and we used to go out to eat after Sunday Morning Service. A great man of God - here is his testimony of the girl bitten by demons."

40 lines: 26.67
Dig Race: 13.13



You guys are my favorite






Cornelio Closa, the disappearing boy

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]The story of the invisible boy is true. It is a story to which I was intimately related. It is about a young Filipino boy who was tormented by an alien entity for more than a year.

This spirit would cause him to disappear from a classroom at school or from his home. Cornelio's father would nail the doors and windows shut, but Cornelio did not need natural openings to get in and out of the house.

Because of his disappearing from the classroom, the boy's school teacher had a nervous breakdown and never recuperated sufficiently to teach again. I have personally talked to her and Cornelio's parents. I also visited Cornelio's home. I hired people to check out the validity of this story, including policemen who took signed affidavits about it. We investigated the whole matter very carefully. We didn't want the slightest possibility of falsehood or misrepresentation in it, because we made a film of it. It is surely one of the most well-documented cases in our files.

It is interesting to note that a religious leader, Rev. H. A. Baker, traveled from the United States to the Philippines to verify the facts of this case. They were unbelievable to him. But after talking to all of those involved and establishing the facts, he wrote me and said: 'Unbeknown to you, I visited the Philippines. I contacted Cornelio, the school teacher, the parents and their neighbors. I discovered that it is absolutely true what you describe about this miracle'.

He went on to state: 'No doubt, this is the greatest miracle outside of the Bible, and as great as any miracle in the Bible'.

Mr. Closa, Cornelio's father and a retired U. S. Navy man, told me: 'The first time I noticed something wrong with Cornelio he stayed out late from school. When he came home, he looked troubled and silent...[/quote]
Read the Full Story here:
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Dig Race: 13.13


What is that you say? You want MORE MARU?



QUIT spamming random crap on my thread I just messaged Blink. Look how mad you people are that I'm talking about the Bible that you're zoned in on this thread just trying to downgrade it. Sad.
40 lines: 26.67
Dig Race: 13.13


Quote from: CorrosiveX
Keep spamming random crap on my thread I just messaged Blink.
Happily, now that we have your consent!



Dude, you were spamming random crap in your thread. I thought that was the whole idea of this thread thing. Was I wrong?

In case I was right I wouldn't want this post to break a combo or anything.


I googled "how does science explain ouija boards"

Question: Is there a scientific explanation for how the Ouija board works?

Answer: Skeptics say that the Ouija moves due to the "ideomotor effect" (sometimes called "automatism"). The ideomotor effect refers to the involuntary and unconscious motor behavior of a person. The term "ideomotor action" was coined by William Carpenter in 1882 in his explanation for the movements of dowsing rods and pendulums by dowsers, table turning by spirit mediums and, of course, the movement of pointers on Ouija boards.

Carpenter argued that muscular movement can be initiated by the mind independently of volition or emotions. We may not be aware of it, but suggestions can be made to the mind by others or by observations. Those suggestions can influence the mind and affect motor behavior. What is purely physiological, however, appears to some to be paranormal.


The skeptical explanation does not, however, account for predictive events and other phenomena sometimes associated with the Ouija.

You ask a Ouija board where it gets its answers from and it won't lie, it will tell you from either Satan or straight from hell. Learn the truth about demons, hauntings, ouija boards, and the occult, hear freaky stories and listen to the exorcisms at the end:

P.S. Quit spamming my thread with random crap I gave you no permission to do that. There are people who want to know more about what I'm saying and realize that this stuff actually affects all of our daily lives.
40 lines: 26.67
Dig Race: 13.13


I have an apology to make.

In my last post, I made the claim that I would provide people with "Laser cat bowling". I was wrong. I realise now that while I had promised that, the content I actually gave was "Cat laser bowling". I sincerely apologise to anyone who took notice of my post due to the advertised "laser cat bowling" and was disappointed to find that there was not any. I will do my best to avoid any sort of grievous error in the future.

Please accept a token of my apology, a maru compilation video (plus clincher asked for it):


Ya'll need to care a little more about yourselves and where you'll end up after you die. You shouldn't keep thinking that all of this is a joke,  when you breathe your last breath it will be too late to change your mind.
40 lines: 26.67
Dig Race: 13.13



... best counter ever. Why does science even bother?


Quote from: CorrosiveX
Ya'll need to care a little more about yourselves and where you'll end up after you die. You shouldn't keep thinking that all of this is a joke,  when you breathe your last breath it will be too late to change your mind.
I'm happy enough with where my life is right now, and where it's looking to be, to not bother with that sort of thing. If an awesome afterlife is what you need to get to sleep at night, then go ahead and think that way, but personally I don't believe or need to believe any of that sort of thing. I mean, I reckon that neither of us are going to heaven, and as a result I'll have spent my actual time and money far more productively and enjoyably by not wasting a ton of it into some afterlife pension fund that'll never mature, but I'm not making threads about that sort of thing and pissing everyone off.

Pascal's wager is a really dumb reason to get into religion anyways. If God is a New Testament God, then he'll probably just forgive me and I'll be fine. If he's an Old Testament God, then we're pretty much all f***ed. You ever had premarital sex? You ever done anything the Bible explicitly forbids? I mean, you make yourself out to be some sort of idol, that's directly breaking the 2nd commandment right there. How convenient that you can do all this sinning stuff, knowingly, and it'll all work out OK just because you choose to believe in something, whilst I could live like a saint and go to hell on a single infraction because I don't believe all that stuff. You don't think that it's all a little convenient, and maybe this sort of thing is just cleverly worked into this religion stuff (or spirituality or whatever the hell you want to call it) because nobody would be arsed putting up with it otherwise?

Buy into Christianity and go to heaven. Don't buy into it, and you're pretty much destined to hell on your own because nobody's perfect. It's classic carrot-and-stick man.
