Why I play

Started by Anonymous, August 24, 2011, 11:10:43 PM

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I've been thinking recently (in before, "well that's a first!") about why I continue to be active on the Hard Drop forums.

I rarely play Tetris at all anymore. You could say Tetris has become "boring" for me. The game I love (Blockbox) is pretty much empty. So why do I keep being active? What is there for me here? I think a lot of people have had these thoughts at some point. Heck, I've been thinking the same things too.

In this thread, post why you continue to be active in the community. Whether it's because you are still learning how to play the game, you love the people, etc, it doesn't matter. I would like to hear why you are here. And if someone has already said your reason(s), say it again anyways! It feels good to get this stuff off your chest.

Anyways, here are my reasons why I still continue to be here. (I realize there is probably already a thread like this, but I don't care)

First of all, the community is awesome! I love every aspect about Hard Drop. A place where avid Tetris players can go if they need help or want to look up strategies/information. Being able to see all the players around the world. Showing off your replays to other Tetris players. The competition. The people. My god, one thing I love about Hard Drop is all the different people. There are so many unique Tetris personalities.

For instance, you have the arseface (though still a pretty cool guy) Corrosive, the genius people who I have no idea what they say because I'm too dumb to understand like Caffeine and Rosti, you have the people who have so much dedication that they are willing to chip in their own money to further Tetris (talkin' bout you Myndzi), there are technical people who know basically everything about Tetris like Kitaru, and there are the mean people like Killah Bee. There are others as well, but thinking too hard makes my brain feel funny. Anyways, it's so awesome to be a part of this community. And you lurkers should post more too; it's a lot of fun!

Another reason why I'm still here is because I love seeing the growth of Tetris. Not just the growth of the community (although that's still good), but also the growth of Tetris as a game. First there was just regular Tetris, like the NES Tetris (note: I'm just making this timeline up). Then, it evolved into Tnet with its weird well size and randomly oriented pieces. And all the Tnet2/Tfast stuff after that.

And then there was Tetris Friends. Tetris Friends was the first place I played Tetris. However, I didn't even play on the TF website. I played on the Facebook application which was like 2x more laggy than the website. I mainly just played Sprint and Ultra mode.

And then Blockbox came along, which was the second Tetris game I'd ever played. It was so much fun; the players, all the different game modes, the speed, lack of lag, the smilies (anyone remember back when we had to type in <69>?), everything. I remember having 47 seconds in TF Sprint and thinking I was the sh**. And the very first time I went onto Blockbox, there was Maserati getting 25 seconds easy. That was when I realized, I wanted to become pro. Tetris is much more than just a game... it's a way of life!

Anways, I remember after Blockbox, a lot of people started moving to Tetris Online Japan. I tried it out, but I never really got into it. It was too weird for me. Straight garbage, combos, T-spins, what?!.

Then came along Tetris Friends Arena and Nullpomino. There's not much to say since they're almost the same as TOJ. I must admit though that I disliked TFA a lot when it came out. I tried to play, but I misdropped so much from dropped inputs and lag. But, Tetris Friends Arena has gotten a lot better now. It's not as laggy as it used to be (at least not for me) and it looks like a lot of fun. I'll also say that Nullpomino has improved a lot too in terms of usability and accessability. I think Nullpomino might become big in Null8.

And lastly, Tetris Battle. Instead of using garbage, this game uses bombs as garbage. Although to me, the game seems very unintuitive (not clearing garbage holes, what?!), it is actually very fun, and I'm glad to see that the game was a success. Anyways, I've gone off on a pretty big tangent. The point is, I love seeing how Tetris as a game has evolved over the years.

The last reason I'll post is that I feel like I have a lot to contribute to the community. Having played for many years (only 3-4 lol), I feel like I have a lot of experience and information to give to the younger generations of Tetris. Pretty much, I'm like a grandpa, who gives his advice/opinion to everyone he meets (even if they don't want it).

Weeellllp, that's my list of reasons why I'm still here. There are more, but I can't think of any right now. If I do think of any though, I'll post them. In the mean time, you guys can tell me your reason for why you still play. c:

Also, sorry I suck at writing, grammar, and English in general.
My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next


I still enjoy it more than any other game, I like the community and feel that I've got still a lot to learn and to offer the community. Also I'm hoping that I'll get less noobish after a few years of play :/
               Tetris Belts!


The community, the people, improving at tetris, and helping others improve  
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[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]there are the mean people like Killah Bee[/quote]

I'm here because of the people, just as much as tetris. Since sub30ing I've taken to playing texmaster, and little else (though my playing time has dwindled). I started a tournament (shameless promotion) that I hope will go well. I stay for the people, and I've found competitive tetris attracts some delightfully strange folk.

HD is a valuable resource for tetris knowledge, and that's what drew me here (though I resisted at first).



I'm a fan of the idea of being on a competitive level with some of the best people in the world at something (maybe I'm not, but I shall continue to pretend I am. )


I play because is fun ! And so far, i like the HD forum
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][spoiler]
Funky Ruskie[/div][div align=\\\"center\\\"] [/div][/spoiler]


"post why you continue to be active in the community"

To keep jkwon company with his omgpop requests.
"I just know everything." - kwillin


I'm still active because I'm still improving.  Unfortunately, lately many of the people I used to talk with a lot and see often have disappeared and it's lonely :c



Still improving, enjoying tetris, good community, learning new stuff, and reach goal sub 30!
40L = 28.71
My Blog


Quote from: Anonymousand there are the mean people like Killah Bee. There are others as well
They should ban that guy from playing in gold  

I'm still working on a sub-min sprint and can barely stack a 4wide center but it fascinates me to see how far some of you have came. I wonder how you do it but I'm sure it involves being able to summon a high level of consciousness.

I played the latest online RPGs (with bluray-like graphics) and from my experience believe that good graphics somehow make games more boring even though I don't quite understand why. Once people start to realize that they get bored with nice graphics FAST, tetris will make a major comeback.

Arena with E+ mode is still just about a year old and I think it will be very popular in 20 years. If only they had Arena like this back in 1989 I would have never stopped. But now that it's out I never intend to.

To those of you who complain about lag, it's the last thing you want to hear but it really is your computers and not TF. I say that with optimism (not to be annoying) since in the future computers will just be better and so the lag issue will disappear for everyone.

Tetris and chess will be the two games that make it into the distant future  
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


Quote from: DarthDuckThey should ban that guy from playing in gold  
That's KiIIabee (two capital i's), our bee is known as TR1CKSY or killahbee_ on Tetris Friends.


I still play because I want to see if Tetris goes anywhere. I'd give the community 6/10 . SC2 is the biggest game for me right now and it is highly competitive and people are generally nice there.
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