I retire from Tetris indefinetly

Started by SirJeevs, August 20, 2011, 12:28:46 PM

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Well, I walked a quarter mile in the middle of the night to get internet to post this, so feel special.

You're thinking irrationally. This kind of irrational thinking happens after emotional events like this occur. Before you do anything stupid (like quit Tetris!) you should take a nap, or take some time alone, and just calm down man. Calm Down. JUST CALM THE F DOWN MAN.

Like I was saying, I don't think you should give up playing Tetris. Sure, there are probably more productive things to do with your time than play Tetris, but you know what? You enjoy playing Tetris, and that's a good enough reason to play Tetris. Our goal in life (at least mine) is to have as much fun as possible! If you like to play Tetris, then play Tetris.

Furthermore, Tetris is one of the ways you relieve stress. This is a stressful time for you, so why would you stop playing?! If anything, quitting might cause you to get more stressed.

I can understand you want to cut down the amount of Tetris you play. As you said, you have an "addiction", and addictions are pretty much never healthy. But that doesn't mean you have to quit. You can still play a moderate amount while still maintaining some level of social life.

Anyways, I'm tired and delirious, so I'll just leave you some motivational posters to make you feel better.

My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next


Anon: You sound like you would offer an AA member a drink

That said, I'd just like to point out that nobody will hold it against him if he wakes up on the other side of his current personal distress and realizes, "what was I thinking?"

Jeevs: I think I can empathize with your situation even without the specifics. I've been in your shoes with regards to other commitments and other preoccupations.

The best I can say is try to cut yourself a break. If on proper consideration you determine that you made a mistake, then do what you need to do to fix it in the future. That may not require the exclusion of something of value in your life though, so don't be so quick to abandon it.

Either way, I wish you well.




You said gf, not wifey... I'm telling you, you have to act on a plan.  My relationship with my then gf was very strained at the 7th year mark with my now wife.  So addiction or not, you have look into the future and start planning for it.  I saved my relationship by showing her how committed I am with her into the future by acting on a plan.  After all, how many more years you want to be just friends with her?

Quote from: SirJeevs
Dear all,

As of today I retire from tetris indefinitely and will not return. It was because of my addiction to tetris that I was 6 minutes too late for something which spiraled to a sequence of events that led to the eventual loss of my girlfriend who I have been with for 7 years. I will forever blame myself for this and I don't want anything to remind me of this.



Think about it, does it matter whether it was 6 minutes or 6 seconds?

Quote from: Dagorath
I wonder what event was it that breaks you up if you're 6 minutes late.


it's a shame, you are a very good player - if tetris brings back too many bad memories, in that you can't play it and enjoy it any more, fair enough. If after a night's sleep or a month or whatever, you think about things, then you'll always be very welcome here
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Paul676
it's a shame, you are a very good player