The Next Evolution of Tetris

Started by killahbee, August 10, 2011, 11:34:00 AM

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i like the look of that man, what do all the stats stand for?
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


@Sisu: You see the little rune sign thingy beside the names? My idea is that's a class symbol
@Paradox: Actions per Minute, Blocks per Minute, Damage per Minute

EDIT: BTW, i know there aren't any previews or hold function in my concept art, it's not because I don't want them, it's because I didn't feel like making them


is there a synonym of actions per minute which doesn't have an a in it? then we can use our beloved apm tpm lpm stats and just add a new one
               Tetris Belts!


Keypresses per minute? Movements per minute? I'd go with the former, and it makes far more sense in the context than "actions".

Depends what you're actually measuring - would, for example, movements into a wall the piece is already against count?


Quote from: Paul676
is there a synonym of actions per minute which doesn't have an a in it? then we can use our beloved apm tpm lpm stats and just add a new one

I don't think we should name actions per minute something else, but rather APM should be actions per minute and GPM should be garbage per minute.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


I didn't revive this thread to have a argument on what to call the stats. Please guys, please.
@Rosti_LFC I do like KPM though. But it could stand for keys per minute


yeah kpm does sound good - it's just to keep consistency throughout our games more than any idealistic thing about what it 'should' be called.

Do you reckon this could be done as a mod of nullpo 7.5 (and 8 in however many aeons' time) or would it need a whole new engine?
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Raddakar
I'm sorry, but I have to revive this thread. I say, we organize ourselves a little team, and we give this baby a shot.
Yesterday, upon reading this idea, I decided to flesh out what a Tetris RPG could actually look like. This is what I ended up with:

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

I immediately fell in love.

I've been thinking of making my own little Tetris game these days, as some of you might of noticed. This thread told me exactly WHAT I want to make, and that I don't want to make it alone

I'm calling Anonymous, because he's the one with the big idea. I'm calling myndzi, because he can most certainly program it with me. And I'm calling anyone else that has something, anything, to put into this awesome project. For the love of Tetris, let's do this
EDIT: No, that isn't an actual screenshot, it's just a little thing I made in Photoshop, to give me something to look forward to.

Bro... That picture looks amazing! I would definitely love to be a part of this! It would be sweet if we could assemble a team.

A cool story bro indeed!
My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next


@Paul676 Aside from the fact that I hate Java, it is a good idea.
Otherwise, I was thinking of making it web based, because I'm tired of the only multiplayer web Tetris game being *cough cough* Tetris Friends *cough cough*
(And, well, JS+HTML5+CSS3 forever.)

@Anonymous Glad you approve.


Quote from: Raddakar
@Paul676 Aside from the fact that I hate Java, it is a good idea.
Otherwise, I was thinking of making it web based, because I'm tired of the only multiplayer web Tetris game being *cough cough* Tetris Friends *cough cough*
(And, well, JS+HTML5+CSS3 forever.)

@Anonymous Glad you approve.

I would prefer a browser/web based game just because of ease of access for players (and it would give me an excuse to learn javascript c:)
My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next


Quote from: Raddakar
I'm sorry, but I have to revive this thread. I say, we organize ourselves a little team, and we give this baby a shot.
Yesterday, upon reading this idea, I decided to flesh out what a Tetris RPG could actually look like. This is what I ended up with:

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

I immediately fell in love.

Oh. My. ****ing. GOD. I absolutely love this, love the idea, everything! I especially like the strategy that goes along with the concept of a Tetris RPG, and the fact that it is being planned as relatively grindless. The concept for skills sort of remind of Pokemon Stadium battles.

Also, on the little arguments that have been going on in here: I really doubt that something like the Tetris RPG would ever replace 'conventional' multiplayer Tetris, but rather add a fun spin to the world of Tetris. More importantly, it seems to be forming into a fun game that could definitely generate some variety in the field of Tetris competitions.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Wow!    This sounds great! Especially the addition of skills to make the game more interesting. Some of the skills remind me of warcraft III and LoL haha.
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Somebody's been searching their name

...and raising the dead


Quote from: myndzi
Somebody's been searching their name

...and raising the dead