What happened?

Started by Corrosive, July 28, 2011, 02:01:36 AM

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Wow its been awhile since corrosive made a whining thread or a conspiracy thread.

while we are reminiscing ...

Remember when everyone got fed up that TTC does nothing to expand competitive tetris at all and we changed our TF status's to "TTC doesn't care about the players."?
Then they decided oh hey lets give away a few prizes, shut up the people who complain, and not do anything to after the tournament.

My point being:
Why should I care about competitive tetris if the company that makes it doesn't even care? TF isn't ever going to be more than casual and it will be hard to get a large crowd to play nullpo because it is just a clone


I don't want any rivals because I just want to be friends with everyone.

Is that so wrong?  


This is probably not the best place to put this, but if anyone really wants tetris to become more popular, or to become more "spectator friendly" at least, then they should make it so that when you're watching other people, you can see the other person's exact screen and it refreshes constantly (like in blockbox). I hate watching other people play and their screen only updates once a second, or however long it takes.
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i don't know why people who want official tournament just wait for TTC to get idea themself, instead of actively asking TTC for one or better just making one themself and asking for TTC blessing (that worked for Classic Tetris World Championship). TTO was good chance, but i feel Blink got no balls to ask TTC/TOA to endorse it in any way (for example announce it on their pages), corect me if i am wrong here.
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I think we need an "underground" gambling system. That'd get people going.


iono if this is the same for anyone else.. but tournaments actually killed tetris for me.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


lol, Corrosive listens to Katy Perry.

On a serious note, Hard Drop killed itself back in February. Since then both the quantity but more importantly the quality of posts rapidly declined. Tetrisconcept has more daily posts than HD now, and aside from the occasional Altimor/ghett0 bulls***, are way higher in quality. Call them "elitist fags," but they're actually better than you  . HD's full of stupid pointless spam, which only hurts a community. Most new members just sign up, post the obligatory introduction thread, get their download of NullpoMino/TOP/both and disappear after a couple weeks. There aren't any good discussions going on in the forums anymore, the active topics for today are: a spam thread about missing a torikan, a copy of the keys thread, a bumped thread from June 13, and a scheduling thread. Not very interesting to: A. pull in new members that just browse the forums without joining, B. to keep new members around, or C. keep old members coming back.

To conclude HD killed itself.


Good people grew up and lost interest, new people weren't interesting enough, community died. In terms of gaming, the theory of 'survival of the fittest' requires interest and challenge. If not, the game dies...


We need to kill this LOL thing that everyone seems to be playing and use some of that money that Blink was collected for a tourney or something.  Maybe a team tourney.  Once their is a little on the line I bet more people be liker to show up.

Actull I got an idea. I know why tetris is so damn boring and everyone leaves and the tourny sucks.  IT IS TO PREDICTABLE!  Everyone knows the finals will consist of Hebo and Blink and more than likely Hebo will win because Blink has turned into a pansy.  We need to bring back ITEMS.


Yeah, your admin plays League of Legends obsessively and a moderator plays Lord of the Rings Online all day, what do you expect.


Quote from: ryan
We need to bring back ITEMS.

Items were never used so I don't think we could bring anything back

Quote from: coolmaninsano
Yeah, your admin plays League of Legends obsessively and a moderator plays Lord of the Rings Online all day, what do you expect.

You cannot blame people's lack of interest on one person or even a group of people


Quote from: EnFuegoYou cannot blame people's lack of interest on one person or even a group of people
Yes you can. If the leader is not interested in Tetris, the group won't be. Notice how some people started playing LoL after Blink did. If an HDTL captain is not interested, it also carries down to the rest of the team.


Even if you can blame someone though, there isn't a point.  As much as we love Blink, we should work towards not relying on him near as much as we do.


Quote from: coolmaninsano
Notice how some people started playing LoL after Blink did.
we're all his sheep


Quote from: coolmaninsano
Yeah, your admin plays League of Legends obsessively and a moderator plays Lord of the Rings Online all day, what do you expect.

join ussss.... im lvl 55 now!