Hand size vs 40 lines

Started by ohitsstef, June 16, 2011, 07:01:58 PM

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7 3/4 inches, 37.74
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Around 6.8 inches. 38.03 secs.
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This PDF says that the 99th percentile for an adult man's hand length is 8.23 inches. However, out of the 17 measurements on this thread so far, 4 of you have reported 8 inches or more. 95% of people should have under around 8 inches, yet only 76% of responders on this thread have reported under 8 inches. Something smells fishy...


Mine is exactly 8 inches and my best is 47.23.
I measured with my own ruler, so it'd be accurate.

What could this thread be about? Personally I am sure (yea, sure) hand size has nothing to do with Tetris (sorry, might as well be offensive, but it's an opinion, don't meant to be stating negatively anyway, well at least I posted my size & time)

In my thoughts, hand size don't affect your skills at tetris, obviously because it's not necessary to do things in tetris any better, while playing tetris won't also affect the hand size because it's a genetic factor


u gotto control for experience in this study


@ Kevin this thread's just here for fun
cause someone said that players with big hangs are slower in 40 lines than players with small hands.

I'll make a little chart later tonight before/after my hdtl match

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


7 inch 30.2 seconds
6.5 inch, 29.1 seconds.

Not sure why iRuler gave me completely different results

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: Paradox
if you set it correctly with your screen resolution and monitor width it is correct

yeah thats what i was saying earlier.  If you don't set it up it's not accurate.



Ok I just measured with a real ruler and I'm 8", so 8" 33.60 seconds.  mah bad



Quote from: cubixcreature
12 inches