Tetris Friends Lag thread

Started by chopin, October 24, 2010, 10:30:03 PM

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Its not due to slow internet.  I lag a lot on TF and have a 25 down and 1 up connection.

At work I don't lag quite as much, but the internet is much slower here.


I lag when there are lots of spectators.  Too bad all the good rooms seem to have all the spectators.


Quote from: ohitsstef
I quote coolsmaninsano


Bahahah. But I like never lag, except maybe once a week or if I leave HD open. I can run anything on top of Arena and no lag...weird...@_@


Quote from: Ryan
I lag when there are lots of spectators.  Too bad all the good rooms seem to have all the spectators.
well whenever we play our ffa match, let's not allow spectators.


Yeh last night on the ffa (was subbing for Jen), I had some of the worst lag I've ever seen, it was worst when there were the most specs.

Keeping it specless is a good idea.



i dont think ive ever had lag and i mostly only play tf and i dont use any das  


I dont lag either   But i used to lag on my old laptop. Ever since I got a new one the lag kinda disappeared


I still don't understand why it lags for my new i7 rig, but it never lags for my old dell running Xp.


because windows xp is only os where flash runs decently.
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There's been a glitch/bug in team rooms where you can actually attack your teammates.... I just nearly killed Mr. T-Spin with a perfect clear...
And there's the trick/cheat where you can afk on another tab before your game starts and you won't receive any lines and in addition to getting delayed solid garbage.


Quote from: chopin
There's been a glitch/bug in team rooms where you can actually attack your teammates.... I just nearly killed Mr. T-Spin with a perfect clear...

I've noticed this same issue for a while. It's just unacceptable.


My lag right now is off the charts too...
I tap once and my piece DASes to the wall. IHS and IRS isn't working correctly, for instance I press harddrop then hold and it doesn't switch. Many dropped inputs, such as rotate twice but it rotates only once. Also pieces are stoping out of nowhere. This is a joke


IRS/IHS _never_ worked correctly. They didn't even implement it properly in the first place. I'm not surprised there are other gotchas in how they wrote it. :<
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For me, I have constant or random abrupt lag.
When I have constant lag, the game seems to slow down and the DAS is not very effective because it keeps stopping halfway.
Or... I can be playing a game and it suddenly disconnects me from the server.  


I don't know if lag is the right word for what I experience, but sometimes it just drops inputs.  For example, I'll hard drop and then find out that the piece never dropped.

The hold system (both with IHS and no IHS) is particularly bad.  I'll set up a T spin with a T in hold, then try to swap my T out of hold and it wont respond, and then when I realize I'm soft dropping some other random piece, I try to swap my T again and it doesn't let me.  So basically, it thinks I already swapped even though I didn't.  This is with IHS enabled.

Also, if you take a lot of lines really quickly sometimes blocks vanish.  I remember using 4wide middle gap, taking a lot of blocks, and then getting a completely empty middle gap cause some of the blocks magically vanished or something.  sh** was weird.

Anyway, there may be other issues but those are the ones I didnt really see brought up too much.   I should probably complain to TF support, but I doubt they'd care seeing as Arena has been around for so long already.