Newbie questions

Started by Thunder, March 30, 2011, 03:02:37 PM

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Hey i just registered and have 2 questions I just wanted to get out of the way.

1. Anybody use an arcade stick? I wana try one out and just wana gather some opinions on how they play.

2.  Is there a standard version of tetris that is considered the most legitimate or is the most widely used and where could I get a hold of a copy?




Well Nullpomino is all custimized by you and it is compatible with a arcade stick. here's the copy:
Drew- Sprint-45.11; 2.2616 PPS


Quote from: Thunder
Hey i just registered and have 2 questions I just wanted to get out of the way.

1. Anybody use an arcade stick? I wana try one out and just wana gather some opinions on how they play.

2.  Is there a standard version of tetris that is considered the most legitimate or is the most widely used and where could I get a hold of a copy?


A lot of TGM play with a stick, not sure of many people who play multiplayer with a stick. I personally have never played with a stick but it gives a more realistic feel to TGM.

There is not a standard version for tetris. Here are a couple of the major ones:
Nullpomino is a fan-made game that has a lot of custom modes and a lot of player customization. A lot of the competitive scene plays on this game because of the many options it has
Tetris Friends is the official tetris company version for english speaking players. Many people dislike this game because of lag and limited customization. It is known for having a large casual audience.
Tetris Online Japan is the official japanese version of tetris. Many people consider it to be the most balanced version of tetris and has a lot of good japanese competition. Since it is in japanese and recent banning of modded versions for english users has caused this game to lose some of the english speaking following.
Cultris 2 is probably the most unique version of tetris. It does not have a hold option and combos are based on time since last cleared line; not consecutive pieces. It was released kind of recently so I am unsure on how popular it is but seems to have a promising fanbase.

It really is open to opinion, and many players play most or all of these games. If you are looking to try one of these out it is easy to search through the forum and wiki to find guides and download links.


most tgm players use stick
some japanese players like rowaks play with a stick i think?

japanese players play on toj you can find the thread someplace and figure out how to sign up

what type of tetris games are you looking forward to playing? like what modes?
i dont play tetris so much right now.. but nullpomino is pretty popular you can play with a stick on that. you can play with a stick on TOJ as well.
if you're looking for a large crowd of players.. probably TF, sadly.

a game that enfuego didn't mention is blockbox - which is personally my favorite - always has been and always will be. there are lots of single player modes and if you've been around awhile you can always im someone to play with you on there.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Thanks guys. I Downloaded nullpomino and really dig it so far. Getting used to using a keyboard is probably going to be my biggest hurdle. Thanks for the response .


i'm curious..what game did you come from? n how did you hear about us
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