S/Z Spins

Started by oh7even, March 12, 2011, 12:24:08 PM

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I can never seem to get them where they need to go... and if I do it's always the 2nd or 3rd try...



[div align=\\\"center\\\"][/div]



You can't twist it if the "overhang" part is 2 high and the other part is 1 high, except with 180 in Nullpo. (I like to imagine the CW rotation here as if the piece is swinging around the red marked mino, it makes it easy to remember which rotation direction goes with which configuration.)


A common mistake is pre-rotating the S/Z piece the wrong way when attempting to slot them in.

For example: If you are trying to slot in a Z piece, make sure you are pre-rotating it with the counter-clockwise direction before pressing it again to actually slot to the thing in. Since I was still getting the hang of rotating with two button, I'd often pre-rotate with X (CW) and then attempt to slot a Z (CCW) piece in. It doesn't work.

Don't know if that's your issue. But it's worth remembering imo.


Try to think of it like hooking it in. Click the link up there, I dont know how to embed it. Hope it will help you visualise it.


Quote from: Zioul
Try to think of it like hooking it in. Click the link up there, I dont know how to embed it. Hope it will help you visualise it.