Nullpomino setting

Started by thazzle, March 07, 2011, 01:48:46 PM

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The new nullpomino doesn't save my settings and I have to re-input them each time i open the game, any suggestions?


Are you using Mac OS X?

If you are, did you copy the game out of the .dmg?



Maybe you installed it to a directory, which needs admin rights to write to (e.g. Program Files), but are running the game not as admin. Since the game needs to write to its own install directory (and not the more common user dir / my documents, etc) this might prevent it from saving your settings.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


I had this with an older version (7.3?),
it turned out when I first unpacked it, it didn't create a setting directory in the config directory (or should I call them folders these days?)
(this was before the installer)

After I used another unpacker, it did make the directory...


Quote from: thazzle
The new nullpomino doesn't save my settings and I have to re-input them each time i open the game, any suggestions?

It's a permissions issue with Windows 7.

Navigate to the parent directory where you have the Nullpomino folder located and give yourself full permissions to it (the Nullpomino folder).


This used to happen to me.When i exited and then came back all me high-scores were wiped and my controls went back to default.When i got null 7.5 it just stopped
Drew- Sprint-45.11; 2.2616 PPS


playing as admin worked, thanks for the responses!


It started saving when I ran the game as administrator  i hope this helps, thanks guys!