Possible speed caps suggestion?

Started by KeroKai, March 02, 2011, 08:56:16 PM

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Hm. Occasionally I'd think to myself
"I wish there was a speed cap mechanism in tetris", especially when playing against friends that can't reach my speed. You sort of slow down to match their speed, but it's still pretty much impossible to really gauge how fast you are going.

Not sure how such a speed cap would work though.
Part of me thinks it'd be great, another part thinks.. it'd suck to have no pieces, or be forced to not harddrop.

Anyhow, anyone ever feel like playing slower than they'd normally do?


Well I have my "vs jenn speed" which is when im not allowed to exceed 1.7 pps. Its fun to try to maximize your apm at a much lower speed, you get a lot more time to think things through.
☠ ZeroT


I think that would be cool. Maybe a Nullpo mode where you have to take turns? There would be a timer and an indicator of whose turn it is. I'd really like that for all-spins.


Quote from: KeroKai
Hm. Occasionally I'd think to myself
"I wish there was a speed cap mechanism in tetris", especially when playing against friends that can't reach my speed. You sort of slow down to match their speed, but it's still pretty much impossible to really gauge how fast you are going.

Not sure how such a speed cap would work though.
Part of me thinks it'd be great, another part thinks.. it'd suck to have no pieces, or be forced to not harddrop.

Anyhow, anyone ever feel like playing slower than they'd normally do?

Piece delay. like line clear delay but for every piece.


[div align=\\\"center\\\"] My Tetris Friends profile [url=http://kingo


Quote from: DrPete
you mean like ARE?

I'm not sure 100% what ARE is, is that entry delay ? if so then yea.

I remember back in the 56k modem days, orignal tetrinet had a 1second delay between pieces.

thats probably too much for players nowadays maybe .25 or .5 second delay if some1 wants to test this on nullpo with me ?


The ARE thing doesn't really work for me. I'm even less efficient then normal because I get thrown off by the laggy feeling.


I think taking turns piece-by-piece would be a lot more fun than ARE. And there would be a limit on how many seconds you get to place your piece, which could be set for each player.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Quote from: EnFuego
Thread has been made already


goto http://kingofstackers.site.nfoservers.com/index.php for turn based tetris

Yeah, unfortunately KoS isn't really what I'm after.
Though it's nice to see that others like this sort of thing.

I do like vipjun's suggestion of line clear delay to slow down things between all players. But the ARE thing where things are instant lock down after hard drop does produce a weird sort of feeling.

The thing with slowed down tetris against friends... It's not really accurate of slowed down speed. Here's an example...

You can play with less than 1.5 PPS, but sometimes when you are near death, suddenly you start placing 5 pieces within the time frame that might for example exceed over 3PPS saving you. But because overall, you haven't placed that many pieces, the PPS won't really register this sort of thing.

It reminds me of a discussion earlier, about tetris flow. Playing tetris at lower speeds can't really detect constant flow imo since people just do burst sprints and all that.


There is a cultris challenge that makes you lose when you go over 60 TPM. Its not fun- you should just get faster.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Have to agree with paradox on this one. I failed that cultris challenge so many times from going too fast... I even was using only softdrop. It is not fun being forced to play slower.


This is sort of setting would mostly be for the benefit of slower players, though I suppose it could in some ways replicate KoS as well.


Playing fast is fun.
I like playing fast.
Feel's good, man.
True story.


try blocktrix :3
it's tetrinet 1.13/tetrifast/tspec in 1 client
there aren't spins, it's 20x12, 1 piece preview, well it's basically not guideline
but tetrinet 1.13 has a 1 second delay between blocks

also i think there was an option on nullpo to make it similar to tnet
it was going to be a tournament with 1 second delays [not sure if it's still an option though]
if i can find the link i'll let you know :s
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