
Started by bach_of_tetris, January 16, 2011, 09:42:46 PM

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Quote from: BARNCHAK
One reason that made me think the ending might be a dream is ... when Cobb comes back home he finds his children in exactly the same position and wearing exactly the same clothes as he'd left them

I'm actually very sure they were wearing different clothes... I picked up on that after having only seen the movie once, at least. There's a side-by-side comparison here (it's easier to see differences in Phillipa's appearance). Also, they cast different actors for the kids in the dream scenes and the kids in the ending scene, which wouldn't make very much sense if they weren't trying to make the appearance of aging...

Anyway, notice that Cobb is only wearing his wedding ring in dreams, where the projection of Mal exists, and he isn't wearing his wedding ring at the end of the movie...
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also, It thought Cobb and Mal were supposed to grow old together in limbo, but when they were on the train tracks they were still young :S
"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" - Rachmaninoff


^ They did grow old in limbo but showing that they were young during the train track scene shows the realization that they were in a dream. Also about the ending, Michael Caine, Leonardo DiCaprio's father-in-law in the movie, stated in an interview that the spinning top did fall in the end of the movie and it was intended by the director as well.

Caine is quoted saying, "The spinning top drops at the end, that's when I come back on. If I'm there it's real, because I'm never in the dream. I'm the guy who invented the dream."Link

So there you have it, whether its true or not I still like to see the ending of the movie as an interpretive ending.


Quote from: Zircean
I'm actually very sure they were wearing different clothes... I picked up on that after having only seen the movie once, at least. There's a side-by-side comparison here (it's easier to see differences in Phillipa's appearance). Also, they cast different actors for the kids in the dream scenes and the kids in the ending scene, which wouldn't make very much sense if they weren't trying to make the appearance of aging...

Anyway, notice that Cobb is only wearing his wedding ring in dreams, where the projection of Mal exists, and he isn't wearing his wedding ring at the end of the movie...

hmmm ...yeah u are right ... I noticed the clothes are slightly different and phillipa's shoe is also of a different colour


although the personalized piece is supposed to be something that can not be messed with, if he is still dreaming but believes he woke up, would the piece then just become a projection of what he thinks, therefore making it seem for him reality..?

Quote from: Spirale
way to overthink an average movie.



Cobb did a Chuck Norris spin.

BTW Have you noticed at the crazy van chase scenes, the windows of Yusef's van were all blown up and yet the enemy still couldn't hit them.


Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


I guess we could... but maybe people enjoy it more when they know more.

music analogy >:D

like how music theory is important for one to perform and interpret a work.
"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" - Rachmaninoff


We don't know whether the spinner has its function as part of reality (over and above the level of the last scene) or as part of the top dream (the scene at the end,which may in fact be reality). Without knowing this, whether it falls or not has no bearing on anything.

In other words, the spinners function might have just been part of a dream, we can't know~!


Quote from: Paul676
yay someone understands literature/art/films.

i don't think the concept of open endings is lost to everyone else here..i think we're just trying to start up a discussion about the open ending possibilities -.-[/color]

Quote from: HERO_KID
although the personalized piece is supposed to be something that can not be messed with, if he is still dreaming but believes he woke up, would the piece then just become a projection of what he thinks, therefore making it seem for him reality..?
i was thinking the same thing the whole time D:
since he knows how the top's supposed to work shouldn't it work the correct way in his dreams AND in reality? which i think it's supposed to fall over? also why wouldn't it fall over in someone else's dream if they can tell it's a top n they believe a top eventually falls over o.o? so in reality n in anyone's dream including his would always topple over..why would it ever stay up? i know it did in the movie but logic wise why?

i understand how the loaded dice would work in someone else's dream but not the top :s unless the top is supposed to spin forever in reality n in cobb's dreams but would fall over in other ppl's dreams..but that wasn't the case D:[/color]
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