HD Team League Predictions thread

Started by myndzi, January 10, 2011, 08:20:29 AM

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HDTL 1 regular season has concluded!

I thought it would be fun to do something we had during Subspace leagues. Basically, you guys all get to try and predict the results, and you get points for being right. The person with the most points at the end wins everlasting glory! Or at least a pat on the back.

Since the matches don't have a lot to guess, and the individual games have a lot, here's how I am going to do it: You will get 1 point for correctly guessing the winner. You get an extra point for being the closest guess to the win differential. You get 1 bonus point if you manage to guess the win differential exactly.

I'll tally everything up in a spreadsheet and we'll see who's got supernatural powers of prediction by the end of the season


Rules thread
Scheduling thread

Predictors      | Points
Ukrainian4Life  | 33
Profane         | 26
crzy242         | 11
larrytetris     | 7
freakwithfire55 | 7
Paradox         | 0


legion of doom will dominate all teams and take the title without dropping a single match
☠  crzy242


Well, I personally think you're gonna lose to "bye".
               Tetris Belts!


Element over Eurofighters. score differential: 10
Sadistic Sixteen over Happy Fappy Tails. score differential: 6
Sextetris over Hopeless Romantics. score differential: 10


Elements over Euro Diff 4
Lod over S16 Diff 15
Sextetris over HR Diff 14
Stars over Epilogue Diff 3


Quote from: Profane
Stars over Epilogue Diff 3
☠  crzy242


Quote from: crzy242

I refuse to believe we have no chance.  sorry.  Anon, Arf and Bada are elite players and i dare someone to say otherwise.  If it was whole team vs whole team then we might not be ready YET.  but top 3 vs top 3 i have full confidence in Stars.  

get some.


Well preseason is over, and we have our first results!

Element over Eurofighters 2-1 (+6)
SexTetris over Hopeless Romantics 2-1 (+8)
Epilogue over Stars 3-0 (+21) [no-show]
The Legion of Doom over The Sadistic Sixteen 2-1 (+10)

freakwithfire, you never updated your predection, so I can't give you full credits. Hopefully more people begin participating for the next matches!

freakwithfire55 got two matches right, and was closest to the differential on one match giving him 3 points.
Profane got three matches right, and was closest to the differential on three giving him 6 points.

OP has been updated.


Whut whut... let's get some predictions up in here! Don't you guys want empty Internet Points by which to arbitrarily compare aganst each other?!


Euro over Lod  Diff: 5
Elements over Sextetris Diff 11
Stars over Sixteen Diff 7
Epilogue over Romantics Diff 8


lod over euro diff 8
element over sextetris diff 16
stars over s16 diff 15
epilogue over romantics diff 19
☠  crzy242


I don't get the differential thing but I'll guess winners

The Eurofighters vs The Legion of Doom -Euro
The Sadistic Sixteen vs Stars  - Stars
Hopeless Romantics vs Epilogue - Epilogue
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Legion of Doom over Eurofighters. Differential: +7
Sextetris over Element. Differential: -2
Stars over Sadistic Sixteen. Differential: +5
Epilogue over Hopeless Romantics. Differential +6


That's the spirit!

Paradox: Differential is the difference in the number of games each set, summed up.

Say the first game is 7-2, the second game is 5-7, and the third game is 7-4. The first differential is +5, the second is -2, the last is +3; the match differential is therefore 5-2+3 = +6.

This number is mostly for fun, but it might come into play as a tiebreaker. Minimum is zero, which I thought I stated but maybe didn't make clear enough or put in this thread, so I'll count FWF's -2 prediction as 0 if he doesn't edit it. This is because I don't think that the winning team should be able to lose ranking for winning the match, even though it is possible to win with a n egative differential.


okay, im changing it to +3 then.