HD Team League Scheduling thread

Started by myndzi, January 10, 2011, 08:13:52 AM

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Thanks for getting this done so fast guys. In the future though, please try to keep the scheduling posts for a given week until after the current round has been played. I'm making a new announcement post after each round, so wait for that if you can?


Round 3 is done, on to round 4!

February 12th-13th - Regular season Round 4
Epilogue vs The Eurofighters
Hopeless Romantics vs Stars
The Sadistic Sixteen vs SexTetris
Element vs The Legion of Doom

Two of these teams have already scheduled (though I'm waiting for SexTetris to confirm their time) - so the rest of you, get to work!


Quote from: coolmaninsano
Paradox and I have scheduled S16 vs. SexTetris for next week at 2 PM PST on Saturday, February 12. Paradox, please confirm.
Confirming for Paradox


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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.



Quote from: MzSlowmo
Is 5PM PST ok? Eurofighters

thats 2 am in europe.


im aware of it, we have a euro ourselves.


Quote from: MzSlowmo
we are aware of it, we have a euro ourselves.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Is there any chance we could make it at a slightly more euro-friendly time - from what I've seen from the doodle chart of when people from our team could play, no-one in our team is prepared to do 2am - could we make it 10pm GMT=2pm PST (shoutbox time)?
               Tetris Belts!



great, thanks
               Tetris Belts!


what we meet down the middle from the time you picked and the time we picked, so 3:30PM PST?


Hey you guys - both scheduled and unscheduled - I may need to be on the road on Saturday from probably 11-3 (giving a little extra leeway). If it is possible to schedule/reschedule the appropriate matches to earlier/later times or Sunday, that would make things a lot easier on me. I'm looking at a place maybe to move into as early as next month with a friend. I can haul my phone+laptop along with me, but I am unsure of the reliability of cell data service where I am going.

Alternately, if there is someone who can step up and help out this Saturday if I can't show up, that would be really helpful too...

Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not saying you can't use those times, just that it would help me out if it works out otherwise. I'll still make the matches that I need to, subject only to internet access.


Quote from: myndzi
Hey you guys - both scheduled and unscheduled - I may need to be on the road on Saturday from probably 11-3 (giving a little extra leeway). If it is possible to schedule/reschedule the appropriate matches to earlier/later times or Sunday, that would make things a lot easier on me. I'm looking at a place maybe to move into as early as next month with a friend. I can haul my phone+laptop along with me, but I am unsure of the reliability of cell data service where I am going.

Alternately, if there is someone who can step up and help out this Saturday if I can't show up, that would be really helpful too...

Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not saying you can't use those times, just that it would help me out if it works out otherwise. I'll still make the matches that I need to, subject only to internet access.

^^ i guess i can help
but i am quite the useless help
1) don't have the proper presents / dont know how to make the rooms properly
2) probably best if i didnt do my own match against LoD - wouldnt be fair !

but i am available that day - for the match at 2pm PST - if you need help you can pm me