HD Team League Scheduling thread

Started by myndzi, January 10, 2011, 08:13:52 AM

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we all need to be anti japs to avoid conflict!


we are not too incompetent to come up with a day to play. we have suggested a lot of different times to you already. but it doesnt make it easy that you only want to play in a very limited timespan, on one specific day. Most of us have stuff to do sunday, and its not fair that you want to dictate the day as well as the time a day.


Quote from: Jes
we are not too incompetent to come up with a day to play. we have suggested a lot of different times to you already. but it doesnt make it easy that you only want to play in a very limited timespan, on one specific day. Most of us have stuff to do sunday, and its not fair that you want to dictate the day as well as the time a day.

From what I've noticed you and killahbee have been able to spectate all of our matches on Sundays at 930 am. I don't see what the problem is for this coming up Sunday.

Times that she has suggested
Friday night - Some of us actually have lives
Saturday 5pm - to whenever - Saturday no can do cause of work
Sunday 1am - who the f plays at 1 am on Sunday? Thats PST so that's 3am my time and 4 am est
Sunday 730 am - way too early for some people to wake up
and now Sunday 8am - i have YET to confirm this time with my team

Yes I know I suggested 8 am to Killahbee on MSN and whatnot but that was me throwing it out there as a suggestion and she turned it down when I did.

Our last match was on Sunday 2 days ago. It's been 2 days, hold your horses and wait. I understand you want to be a "good captain" and give your members a heads up - but you can give them a heads up 3-4 days beforehand, no?

Ultimately this is between me and Killahbee.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Why doesn't everyone just calm down a bit? I really don't think that this should be that big of a deal.
This high school Drama really isn't necessary.


Quote from: cubixcreature
Why doesn't everyone just calm down a bit? I really don't think that this should be that big of a deal.
This high school Drama really isn't necessary.



So, because you have to do stuff saturday, it has to be sunday when we have to do stuff? I dont get it, we tried to compromise by sunday at 8, not like its a good time for any on our team, but we are making an effort to make it work, i dont know why you arent. One might think you were trying to make it impossible for us to bring our best team, which just sucks. Also, I dont see where it says that the tourney is made for people living in america only, and preferribly in a pst zone. I just think you should have the courtesy to try to make it work. We as a team arent trying and did not choose only perfect times for us, we chose possible times, as that is how to make things work.



@ Element
We can't do Sunday 8 am
but we can do Saturday 930 am
and we're still free for Sunday 930 am - 130 pm

@ Jes - It's not your job to come up with a time. Like I said earlier I talked to Killahbee about a match time just this Sunday. It's Tuesday - you guys need to chill out. It's not like we don't want to make a time work with your team it's just the times she offered don't work for us.
You keep saying you're trying to compromise, it's not like we're not. I gave your team a time range that I think should be comfortable for most people on your team, including yourself as well as my team. Just because you guys offer up times doesn't mean we can take them. And that's not us not compromising. It just doesn't work.

The only person I want to see asking talking about times with me should be Killahbee.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


fair enough. just didnt find how you chose to treat it very fair, so i needed to say something. But yea, im willing to leave it, but since youre so keen on only team leaders discussing it, please ask poopmore to stop trash talking as that is definitely no help at all. thanks


@ Steph,

I think it's best if we worked on both sides -
I will ask around to see if my team is able to play at 930am PST on Saturday -
however, I kindly would like you to ask to see if your team is able to do 8am PST.
or any range from 8am - 930am PST.
I'm hoping we can both take a step back and hopefully meet in the middle somewhere. For example - 8:45am pst or something.
Anyway, I will ask about that range and let you know, and hope you do the same.

Hope to get this resolved as soon as possible.



Quote from: Shizi
part 2
LOL Shizi.
Enough of the LeBron jokes.


Right, uh, I'm dealing with family stuff and I don't have a lot of time to try and deal with another group of people acting like children. As originally stated in the HDTL description, only captains should be scheduling. Owners are acceptable if necessary, but please try not to "trade off" so that all coordination is done through one group of people. All you other teammates should be coordinating with your captains, please stop making a mess of the thread.

To Stars and Element:

I'm sorry that some of you might have to wake up early / stay up late. That's the nature of this sort of thing. When there is no time that is convenient for everybody, you will need to fall back to a time that's inconvenient but possible. If you guys can't find an inconvenient time that you can at least show players to, I may have to just assign a time that sucks for you both and the we'll see who is actually more committed. I made an exception for a match before because of last minute RL problems, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to open up scheduling to days all over the place.

I understand that people have lives, but what you need to understand is that if you want to be a participant in this sort of a thing, it is a part of your life. If that's not a commitment you are willing to undertake, then don't bother signing up next season.

I'm sure the two of your teams can find a time when you can show three players, you will just have to give a little.


@ Element
Is 845am Sunday ok with you?

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Hopeless Romantics (and myndzi), is 11pm GMT on Sunday good for you guys?

sounds good =D


@ STARS, sorry our team is unable to accomdate sunday at 845am pst - you have asked for saturday and I have already gotten confirmation from most of my group - I was hoping you could give a little - so 9am pst on saturday is our best offer. It means everyone sleeps half an hour less.

Its not fair to change the time - then the day - lol. Hope you can ask your team for 9am pst SAT.
