Tetris Online has finally listened

Started by Wojtek, January 04, 2011, 06:01:06 PM

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Quote from: acemagic

To answer some of the questions..

1) You should still can (unless there is a bug) there's a limit to that (something like up to Rank 15)
this is because of the fact that the special promotion system is so easy to abuse.
Higher ranks, we're trying to make it so that only really good people can get there to make the live matching more accurate to the users's skills.

2) Yes. We're still in the rebalancing.
It takes a while for the users to jump up there to where they should be, and we're going to need to wait until it's ready before readjust things.
3) AI is actually intended only as the last measure.. if you see a lot, it could actually be a bug.
Please let us know. Also AIs are harder to balance too, so we don't intent to use it so much.
But I'll look into this a little more. It could be a bug.

(By AI do you mean that it actually displays A.I?)

4) There is a permission that could have caused it not to give us the name.
But I'll have to look into it.
If it's anonymous, however, it should still be a game by a person (someone).
Are u planing to implent more tuning? will there be a way of testing the tuning before bying as in TF so one can know what to spend the money on?

=> yes there will be more levels and things coming.
But we'll like to hear more from the community before moving forward.

Yes, we too wish there was a way. but making the UI easy to understand is the issue,
so we're looking into that as well. Thank you for the feedback.

1) Ok I was at max rank before the change (26 or something) so thats fine then
Speaking of abuse I noticed that i got ranked up when i challenged a live friend way lower ranked than me (like 15 maybe) and i got 2 stars for that, could be abused. Like the balancing u made when playing against friends with having constant garbage at the bottom. Makes playing slower friends possible.

3) This was quite early after the update though  so there were only 2 otheres with max rank on 4p
2 AI and Anonymous (if u want my acc. info I can give you my real name in a PM)
Havent had time to play more so it might be fixed now with more people maxed.
Sounds great with more tuning and things, keep it up!


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Would it be that hard to allow players to set the timings by frame/seconds (including instant DAS) instead of presets?

Not impossible, but a little tricky since we would have to make a custom interface.
The killer part in online is always the QA.
the more customized features there are, more cases to test.

The easier way is trying to give you guys enough presets to pick a one you like.
I'll work on that first and see what we can do in the future.

Quote from: Alexsweden
1) Ok I was at max rank before the change (26 or something) so thats fine then
Speaking of abuse I noticed that i got ranked up when i challenged a live friend way lower ranked than me (like 15 maybe) and i got 2 stars for that, could be abused. Like the balancing u made when playing against friends with having constant garbage at the bottom. Makes playing slower friends possible.

3) This was quite early after the update though  so there were only 2 otheres with max rank on 4p
2 AI and Anonymous (if u want my acc. info I can give you my real name in a PM)
Havent had time to play more so it might be fixed now with more people maxed.
Sounds great with more tuning and things, keep it up!

=====> Thanks, I guess we'll have to turn double stars off for live games.

Quote from: zaphod77
My idea doesn't remove anything from Super Rotation System. It simply adds a special case for attempting to rotate pieces that have rotational symmetry.

Only when the piece would fail to rotate at all even with any of the kicks, then would it try the other direction. And only if it's an S or a Z (O of course has rotational symmetry, but no kicks).

And yes, I am proposing an improvement to SRS, to be brought up at the next Guideline meeting.

I repeat. My idea allows everything that currently works in SRS to still work, but allows two additional rotation cases that would otherwise fail.

I screwed up in my summary. I meant that if rotation with all four wallkicks fails...

=====> Thanks!
I'll like to try this too!
But TTC currently enforces the super rotation systems,
so I'm not sure if I can get this in the official game.
But I'll try to test first.

Quote from: Alexsweden
I like the uppdates on TF battle, I dont know how good the new customization will help when maxed but it is a good step on the way!, I do hope line clear delay could be brought down to a minimum. (0 or 1 frame or something). But maybe that would cause some problems too, iduno.

Also like the extended range of ranks. From 26 or something to 50.

However I have a few questions on things that seem odd (buggs?)

1. Is is made so that you cannot  skip ranks anymore by being much faster than the opponents fast?

=====> You still should be able to for the lower ranks. but not to the new ranks, as we wanted people to earn these ranks, and not abuse the system by jumping forward by asking friends to play a few games.
If you don't see a special promotion happening on the lower ranks ( ~20 ranks ) it's a bug.
Please let us know!

2. Is it just becouse the 26-50 ranks are new that there is really only small differences between 26-40. (4p)

=====> Yes, we're still collecting the data to retune it more.
Also more ranks will come again and it will be much harder then.

3. The Ai that is often implented at rank 50 (4p) is pumping out times of 18 sec atm, intentional?
Nope. It's either a bug or misbalance.
AIs are really hard to control but thanks for mentioning it.

4. I meet quite a few anonymous at the high ranks too, are they real people?
Anything besides AI should be real, unless it's a bug.
It might our internal staff games, we've hid their names,
and they're ofcourse good because they get paid to play Tetris.

I guess some some of these questions could be answered by that TF battle update just came out which makes sense.

Are u planing to implent more tuning? will there be a way of testing the tuning before bying as in TF so one can know what to spend the money on?

=====> More tuning will come. Testing requires a good UI implementation.
I wasn't able to do that for TOJ either.. but I'll think hard about it.

Love the ideas you have and thanks for talking to us!

======> My pleasure. Sorry I can't come so often, I've really been overworking recently.
I enjoy the talks, but am really short of time.
I'll try to read everything, and reply as much as I can when time is permitted.

Thanks for the support guys!
It really matters for us.

Edit: (bug) Also I sometimes meet anonymous and all are around the 1.20 min time at rank 50 (normal games are under 1 min there) (4p)