Blockbox Player-run Open 4

Started by Paul676, December 29, 2010, 07:16:10 PM

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Stef: yes

freakwithfire: ah that's a shame! I shan't now be changing the bracket; the loser of E gets instant qualification to the next round.
               Tetris Belts!


sooooooooooooooooooo I was just wondering.. since tomorrow's Sunday and I wanted to do things.. LOL can we make this a week-long tournament? =/ I mean.. having a tournament in one day.. I'm sure some people will be tired right?

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


i like the 1 day idea, get it over with
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Sorry stef, it's 1 day - I can't make it a week anyway, because I go back to uni and have exams this week :/

p.s. I think you'll find that bb games don't take long at all! I hope that it'll all be done within 3 or 4 hours.
               Tetris Belts!


=(=( =( ohok.. i'll have.. tea + sandwiches out I guess.. sigh

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


It's not like it's a tournament running at like midnight to 3am in your time-zone when you're leaving to go to Spain at 5:30am or anything...

Speaking of which, yeah, if this thing goes past 5am GMT then I'll have to drop out at whatever stage I'm at (if I'm even still in it, which is unlikely :\).


don't worry, it shouldn't lol! If necessary I'll hurry your matches through
               Tetris Belts!


I'm going to drop out of this tourney, sorry Paul.  Blockbox has some weird problem for me where the piece moves 2 spaces over rather than 1 causing me to misdrop often.  This never happened when I used to play many months ago, so it's either my PC or something they changed.

I tried reinstalling Java but it still happens.

=( I wanted to play in this one too.  Sorry for the late notice, but I haven't gotten around to practicing until today because of TTO.


lots of people dropping out of this

paul, dont drop me out yet. i might be able to make it to make lower bracket match at 5, when i give my students a break. and if the next round can start after 6, im good.


ok, I'll give you 15 minutes after the bracket starts to get there, otherwise I'm gonna have to move the tourney on - sorry about this!

And Blink - ahh that's very odd - have you tried changing das and ar settings? Or keyboard autorepeat settings?
               Tetris Belts!


Edit: Thought I was going somewhere, so nevermind.


zz all these people dropping out are gonna screw up my predictions
☠  crzy242


ah well, that's ok - it's not really all day, it should only take like 2-3 hours. bb games are like 20-30 seconds on ave. A match should really only take 15 mins max
               Tetris Belts!


thanks Blink - please could you take this down from the pin and please could you pin up BBPRO invitational
               Tetris Belts!