Tetris Online Poland

Started by Wojtek, December 08, 2010, 02:21:46 PM

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Quote from: Ryan

Point of this post is......?


Quote from: coolmaninsano
Point of this post is......?

None. Leave him be, and both of you will prosper

Kinda off-topic, but meh: what happened to the shoutbox?


Quote from: coolmaninsano
Point of this post is......?

to reveal the hidden content... just a guess :>

his post was like the best post i the world btw


Quote from: GoldPlatedDish
Kinda off-topic, but meh: what happened to the shoutbox?

Shoutbox will be shut off during all tournament match days because it lags HD a lot.


Wojtek- i hope you consider the damage this can do to HD's reputation. there are people here trying to work with TTC to make changes in official games that will benefit skilled players, and that's working to some extent. the owners of the copyrighted material you're promoting for misuse on this website will not look kindly on HD. i don't know if they could or would shut HD down over this but that's not the entire story. HD could be labeled as a site working against TTC, and that doesn't help anybody. openly discussing problems in official games helps us to generate ideas that will make positive changes, and when we band together and present things to TTC in a thoughtful and appropriate way they tend to listen. this thread is not about that at all.

can you keep this in PMs, IMs, chatrooms, etc? word-of-mouth is also very powerful. i only see this doing more harm than good to HD. every one of the people reading this thread would hear about it somewhere else anyway. i think you should take the entire risk from this project upon yourself and leave it off of HD.


I don't see any problem if its just discussion, blink already mentioned that it is not affiliated with HD.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Quote from: jujube
HD could be labeled as a site working against TTC, and that doesn't help anybody. openly discussing problems in official games helps us to generate ideas that will make positive changes, and when we band together and present things to TTC in a thoughtful and appropriate way they tend to listen. this thread is not about that at all.
I wanted to say something like this, but didn't want to be the "thread downer," so thanks jujube!

First off, you're amazing Woj. It's clear you're incredibly devoted to the Tetris community--given how much you've invested into cool games like iiblocks. I can't stress that enough. I have the utmost respect for people who devote the hours of programming required for such projects--for the love of the game and nothing else.

So yeah, this is a whole new level of cloning. You're not simply carrying on the spirit of the game and improving it (like most clones). You're not even just taking an affix, but the whole thing, "Tetris Online Poland." You're actually patching and pirating the game itself. That's likely to show up under TTC's radar loud and clear. And HD's rapport with TTC is so sweet right now (prizes!)...

You have mad programming skills Woj! Couldn't they go to... more elusive projects?


actually i want to bring iiblocks back as toj compatibile client.

reason why i made this topic is to get feedback from you, also negative one. I know some of you won't like idea. I know TOJ and TTC won't like it at all, if they care that is.  But really why would i care about haters? I am free individual, there is no reason why would i care about some companies and/or individuals don't like what i do.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]can you keep this in PMs, IMs, chatrooms, etc? word-of-mouth is also very powerful.[/quote]
word-of-mouth is indeed very powerful, this is why i will let people know about this project by PMs, IMs, chatrooms, forums, websites, etc.

Also please don't use terms like pirating, misuse of copyrighted materials, etc. This makes me looks bad. What i do here is creating interoperable software.
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Due to the illegal nature of this project, I'm going to have to agree with caffeine and jujube here.  I'm not a lawyer or legal expert and I don't know what can be done to HD, so I'm going to take some necessary precautions.  Wojtek, I told you to make a seperate website for your project because I didn't want it connected to HD in anyway, except maybe you making an announcement that details about your project can be found on its own website.  

I have removed the [hidden content] directions on how to play, post it on your project's webpage instead.


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Tetris Online Poland


Quote from: Wojtek
actually i want to bring iiblocks back as toj compatibile client.

That would be awesome since you can customize more of the user settings that way, *cough* 180 rotate *cough*..lol i kno I've bother u about it before.    

I'm impressed by how much you've figured out from the time you casually mentioned you would do this til now.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b230/kotetsu213/cat_slaps_amphibian.png\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b230/kotetsu213/cat_slaps_amphibian.png\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' al


Altho I'm generally all for reversing and just creating the best game experience possible, I have to mostly agree with caffeine here. This is gonna be regarded as illegal and as not being in a "gray area" a lot faster than any proper "clone" game ever would, since you basically take their copyrighted, complete game and modify it (even if its just exchanging the way the client logs on + some other minor tweaks maybe), which is most likely against their EULA. (as is the TOJ English patch for that matter, we shouldn't forget this)
The fact that on the other end there is a server running that is probably completely written from scratch (ofc using the reverse engineered TOJ protocol), doesn't really help, since using their client for anything other than the intended use (i.e. their TOJ server) is probably gonna be a rather big problem in their eyes.

So from a legal standpoint this is definitely a much bigger issue than any clone could be. Looking at it practically tho, a server emu / homemade version (as they exist for many other games) probably would not hurt TOJ much at all, since it would only be directed at English speaking players, for which there is no official TOJ version anyway.
There could only be two issues: Either that they might fear that japanese players, who speak English could use this alternate server to get premium features for free (I'd say there's a really low chance for this being a problem). Or that TTC thinks the only official english speaking web client should be tetris friends and that now that there is not only a patch that translates the TOJ client to English, but basically also puts the hosting server outside their control - they feel this has to be stopped. Especially because the client still has their trademarks all over and they don't have control anymore over the adds ingame + ultimately even how the game is supposed to be played.

It will all probably just come down to popularity, as always. If there are only a handful of people online on this version at any given time, not even TTC will care. As soon as it gets a bit more popular, they will probably try to shut it down, even faster than they did with clones before, since it's their actual game / copyright to begin with.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


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