Hi :)

Started by CS5n531, November 27, 2010, 08:26:46 PM

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I'm Connor G, a sophmore at a small university in Rhode Island. Long time Tetris player, my first time being on the original Gameboy. I currently compared my high scores to those on the records page here on the site and I placed in the following:

-3rd [Tetris DS Standard Mode Endless]
-4th [Tetris DS Standard Mode Non Endless]
-12th [Tetris DS Standard Mode Line Clear]
-43rd [Tetris Friends Marathon]
-54th [Tetris Friends Ultra Mode]
-90th [Tetris Friends Sprint]

Are these rankings "official"? I was surprised to see myself amongst some amazing scores, which I'm sure will drive me to improve! Currently my quickest and most natural of play is the typical; leave one collumn open and score Tetris' consistently. I have been trying very hard to learn how to T-spin consistently, but refuse to look at tutorials (I limit myself to only watching and analyzing other players T-spinning). I haven't gotten very far, but I'm trying my best and will continue to practice.

Thanks for having me ,



people have the option to post their own scores on the record page, so that page doesnt necessarily have everyones scores, and some scores on there are very outdated, since very few people cant be bothered to update their scores either.
but your scores are still really good, so keep up the great work
☠  crzy242


Welcome to HD!  It looks like you've been on TF and TDS mostly; check out Nullpo, Blockbox, and Tetris Online Japan when you have time (a quick forum search will get you the guides for installation and whatnot).

There's a lot of hype about Tetris Friends right now due to the tournament, but it definitely isn't the only client we use
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