
Started by Shizaru, November 13, 2010, 02:57:23 PM

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I'm curious to know what everyone does to "practice"

Do you consider simply playing multiplayer enough practice?

If not, what do you do to focus on different areas of your game?

What game/modes do you play? What do you think about while practicing compared to while you play a match?

For me, I've been trying build memory - both for muscles and for openings, setups, things like that. For now I'm considering most, if not every, game I play practice.

The past week whenever I play multiplayer, I try to use a wider variety of openings. For example, yesterday I started trying to begin games with the Triple Double Attack when a simple TSD opening isn't very clear to me, otherwise I start with a quick TSD and go from there

If I'm trying to work on something specific, I usually do so outside of a multiplayer game. I'll play 40L or something so I don't have to worry about time. I've been doing this trying to program finesse into my fingers. When in a real game I feel a bit more pressure to play at speed, but sitting by myself in a 40L game I can take all the time in the world to make sure I'm using proper technique.


Only single player mode I play is 40L, but I used to play Dig Race a lot.

If I want to practice something I might use Nullpo Practice mode or go on another account and beat up TF golds.


You should play BB Survivor.


I think playing a variety of games and modes is the best practice because each one has different strategies and skills to focus on.  If you limit yourself to only 1 game you'll become a one-trick pony and are missing out what other games emphasize on.

For example:

Playing a lot of BB will likely get you faster, teach you good tetris stacking, and get you accustomed to downstacking messy garbage while taking large amounts of pressure due to no garbage countering.

TOJ is good for practicing combos, t-spins including t-spin minis, garbage countering, timing your attacks, etc.  The skill level there is higher than on other games, so it will also teach you how to deal with high amounts of pressure.

TF can teach you how to handle cleaner garbage efficiently, the strategy is different than messy garbage and it's a skill as well.  Players send back garbage that you just sent them due to it being neater, so timing is more important in this game than the others.  It also teaches T-spins, combos, combo starts.  Lots of players here use 4wide comboing, so it can be used as practice for how to handle them without dying.

Nullpo is highly customizable so you can use it to practice whatever you want, but some things you can practice here is all spins, high speed TOJ style play, and more.

Playing more games will make you a more complete player.  I know TGM can teach a ton of things, but also games like cultris, blockles, quadra, and tetrinet bring something to the table.


Quote from: ManOfMiracles
You should play BB Survivor.

The problem with BB survivor is you spend half of the time waiting for it to speed up to a challenging pace.

I think variety is the best way. Even playing things like marathon helps to increase your stacking ability for spins and makes you faster even though you are not trying for speed


there is no practice. every game is life or death.

blockbox survivor is the ultimate opponent (via apocalypse)


i don't like bb survivor

i feel like a lot of modern games require lots of interaction, in the form of good timing/countering/etc as blink said. practice by playing where you can interact with an opponent close to your level.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Practice playing on all games
Afterall a good tetris player is one who plays well on every single game


Quote from: Maii04
Practice playing on all games
Afterall a good tetris player is one who plays well on every single game

Says the one who doesn't play TF nor Nullpo...


Quote from: coolmaninsano
Says the one who doesn't play TF nor Nullpo…
I play 40L on null a lot

I'm banned from tf remember?


Borrow any one of my 6 alt accounts Maii :P.

5 bucks a week, its a steal.



I practice:
T Spins:
Play Nullpomino practice for 10 minutes without letting my LPM drop below 40. Settings: Tspins only, combos off (highest AVG LPM so far is 52)

Digging: Blockbox survivor.. I should probably try some blockbox vs

Speed: 40L on Nullpomino (44.59 my best)

VS: TF 1v1 e+...I should really be on TOJ tho.

I used to spend a lot of time thinking about openings and whatnot, but i don't bother with that anymore.

I really just need to get faster and I think i'd be good =\ I'd also like a online (popular) tetris that's more like tetris DS. I find it hard to practice VS because I send a lot of lines combo digging... which doesn't suit what I want to achieve.


Quote from: DAS44
Borrow any one of my 6 alt accounts Maii .

5 bucks a week, its a steal.
My dad router banned me. Any web address that has the word friend in it, I cannot go on that site.


Quote from: Maii04
My dad router banned me. Any web address that has the word friend in it, I cannot go on that site.

wtf? you aren't allowed to have friends ?


Quote from: Maii04
My dad router banned me. Any web address that has the word friend in it, I cannot go on that site.
try typing:
instead of

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.