Is anybody else really annoyed by the fact that TF calls them Tetriminos?

Started by Jizlots, October 25, 2010, 02:24:33 AM

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Quote from: Maii04
it sounds cooler
minnow = a person or thing that is very small and insignificant.
     --> all the reason not to pronounce it minnow
el meano

but he's neither Spanish nor mean...
Quote from: Jizlots
But fish are so delicious!
but he's neither a fish nor delicious...


Quote from: jujube
but he's neither a fish nor delicious...

His ancestors were "fish" and that's good enough for me. Also, almost any meat is delicious with the right preparation, cooking method, and sauce combination; why would human meat be exempt?


Quote from: Jizlots
SRS is a rotation system, no? What is an SRS color?

SRS is a rotation system, not colors. SRS uses Worlds colors.


Quote from: jujube
el meano

but he's neither Spanish nor mean...

* blinks in confusion*
youre soo random

math = all numbers
therefore math has no place in tetris


Quote from: Maii04
* blinks in confusion*
youre soo random
math = all numbers
therefore math has no place in tetris



Quote from: Noogy
Are you attempting to make me second guess myself?


Quote from: Jizlots
His ancestors were "fish" and that's good enough for me. Also, almost any meat is delicious with the right preparation, cooking method, and sauce combination; why would human meat be exempt?
have i got a forum for you!
i mean, somebody told me about it. i've never actually been there.
Quote from: Jizlots
What do you prefer to call the pieces?
anything but "blocks". i guess that's because i used to play Lockjaw. it tells you at the end of a game how many blocks you left behind (referring to the number of piece segments).


Huh. I never actually thought about it before (and certainly didn't notice). Pieces, mostly, but I'm not particularly irritated by any of it, as long as I know what's being talked about.

Well. Chatspeak, too. I'd be annoyed if they started to use that.

I'm an admin over at Visionary Tales. Yeah, we're a role playing forum. Yes, this means I'm geekier than you are.



"Given the real thing and an indistinguishable fake, which is worth more"- Gaen Izuko (Nisemonogatari)
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."- Aristotle



Quote from: holdnext
SRS is a rotation system, not colors. SRS uses Worlds colors.
Question: was Tetris Worlds the first licensed game to use the now standard color scheme?

Answer: [spoiler]Maybe?[/spoiler]

Question: which licensed game introduced the now standard 4-orientation S/Z/I scheme?

Answer: [spoiler]Tetris 2 + Bombliss[/spoiler]

Edit: can we get a spoiler tag?