Tetris Friends [FFA] Tournament

Started by KeroKai, October 02, 2010, 06:47:47 AM

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I'm in if we put time limits on it so it doesn't take forever...obviously getting 6 people together at any given time is even harder then 2 so...


I don't know what FFA is, but I guess I'm in.  As long as someone tells me when and where to show up...


I don't know FFA also, and am not a good player but I wna try since I haven't played any tourneys til now  

I'm having school and some exercises everyday so most probably I'll play on Sat/Sunday


LOL you guys... FFA = 6 player room, or a room with more than 2 players playing.
☠  crzy242



Quote from: SiRTeTRiS
I'm in if we put time limits on it so it doesn't take forever...obviously getting 6 people together at any given time is even harder then 2 so...

Yeah there'll be a time limit. I'm going to be organising it at specific times in the day. Unfortunately this means that some people might miss out if something unexpected comes up.


i guess ill join


Suggestion: Group people by time zones.

EDIT: I'm shoutbox time.


Quote from: coolmaninsano
Suggestions: Group people by time zones.

Perhaps. We'll see whether there's some huge variations first. Me and Paul are the only ones from the UK that I know so far on this thread.

If people could edit their timezones into their joining posts. That'd be great.


If it helps, I'm in PDT timezone (GMT -7)... but depending on when we have this thing, I might be back in PST (GMT -8)  I guess an hour doesn't make a huge difference, though.  If it's easier, group me with whoever.  I'm an insomniac, so chances are I'll be up anyway.


i live in minnasota so thats centerl time zone


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ello, wasup?:D
