Why hasn't Nullpomino netplay expanded?

Started by KeroKai, September 25, 2010, 07:00:36 AM

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May I also suggest that the website should have better user interface. Hopefully we can sign up for accounts eventually.

I'm not saying its complicated, but chances are people will stick around more if there is  a website with stuff to do. Most games have a website along with it where you can sign up, there is a fancy button that says game guide, a fancy button that says screen shots, a fancy button that says download. things like that. Making something look fancy is important


Quote from: Someone2knoeHopefully we can sign up for accounts eventually.


a.k.a. This is under development. However, making the entire website based around it like you said would make it less portable (not sure if that matters?) or force server hosts to use MySQL or something similar.

That being said, if it *did* end up integrating with HD accounts or something...
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Quote from: Zircean

That being said, if it *did* end up integrating with HD accounts or something...

I'm looking forward to this feature and the other features from the upcoming 7.4 (i've seen it in the dev version) but I have to draw the line somewhere so that HD doesn't become like the *official* Nullpomino website.  I won't be integrating accounts into HD, and hope that Nullpo can start hosting its own official server (nullpo.it.cx?) so that there can be atleast some level of seperation between the 2.  I love fan games, got hooked on Tetris thanks to fan games (TetriNET) and HD will always support fan games, but not to the point of becoming what seems like the official website for them.


nullpomino used to be just tgm clone, so you controls and ui were designed to be operated with arcade stick or keyboard config similiar to arcade stick (similiar to heboris, texmaster and so on). since netplay was added nullpomino evolved more to generic tetris game so people want it to operate more like regular pc game. it will take a while to redesign some things, but lot of suggestion from this topic is already implemented in upcomming release. really, nullnoname is programmer like no other, listen to all suggestions and add things at amazing pace.

it's very hard to build multiplayer userbase for tetris game in post tf times, so instead complaining that nobody is on how about just inviting some friends to play with you?
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


Most of issues mentioned in this thread are addressed in 7.4.0. Come and play.
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]nullpomino evolved more to generic tetris game so people want it to operate more like regular pc game[/quote]  

So please add generic names for the controls instead of A,B,C,D,E,F   have Clockwise, Hold, Hard drop, etc. Along with presets so that we can change for certain games.


Consider that the rotation buttons can be LRL, RLR, LLL or RRR depending on your rule and tuning settings, and up and down are no longer strictly hard/firm and soft drop, respectively (you can switch them) I don't think that's necessarily going to clear anything up for anyone...

In any case, we'll continue working on UI updates and stuff will happen. Yeah.
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Quote from: Zircean
Consider that the rotation buttons can be LRL, RLR, LLL or RRR depending on your rule and tuning settings, and up and down are no longer strictly hard/firm and soft drop, respectively (you can switch them) I don't think that's necessarily going to clear anything up for anyone...

In any case, we'll continue working on UI updates and stuff will happen. Yeah.

I don't really understand what the problem is with giving them generic names. If you have control presets, couldn't you just change presets every time you change your rule/tuning?

It seems like the people who have no problem with A-F buttons are people who have played games that use that. I guess I can sit down and try to figure out and commit to muscle memory what each key does but I think that defeats the purpose of having friendly UI.

For a while I didn't even play nullpomino because when it said press A to start it actually wanted me to press D on my keyboard which is my rotate button. Even now it still confuses me. In any case something needs to be done to make that simpler.

If I am mistaken on how it works when switching rules /tuning please clear that up.


Quote from: Someone2knoe
I don't really understand what the problem is with giving them generic names. If you have control presets, couldn't you just change presets every time you change your rule/tuning?

It seems like the people who have no problem with A-F buttons are people who have played games that use that. I guess I can sit down and try to figure out and commit to muscle memory what each key does but I think that defeats the purpose of having friendly UI.

For a while I didn't even play nullpomino because when it said press A to start it actually wanted me to press D on my keyboard which is my rotate button. Even now it still confuses me. In any case something needs to be done to make that simpler.

If I am mistaken on how it works when switching rules /tuning please clear that up.
I still don't exactly understand what you're asking for with generic names. A through F are the generic names -- they're the first through sixth action buttons respectively. It is like ABXYLR on a SNES or ABCDEF on a 6 button arcade layout. The buttons don't always do the same things. It's like asking someone to rename the left, right and middle clicks.

If the UI is to be improved, it won't be done by renaming the game keys. Telling someone "press left rotate to start" is useless because you can have zero, one, two, three, or even four left rotates, and they won't necessarily ever be in the same place when there is just one of them. A -- your first button -- is always in the same place, regardless of whether it maps to left or right rotate on account of other configurations.

What might make sense, however, would be giving more concrete names to our new navigation keys. Frankly, having two sets of keys named A through F is garbage. Displaying things like "A/OK," "B/BACK," "F/OPTION," and so on look like they'd have enough information to make the player think "ah, my OK button is Enter," "oh, my Back button is Escape," "gotcha, I set my Option button as 1," or just allow the player to press the a given game key if they've opted out of using separate nav keys.

I'm also thinking we need to make labels such as"A/OK: Start" into clickable buttons to allow the problem to be sidestepped entirely if need be.
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Quote from: KitaruI'm also thinking we need to make labels such as"A/OK: Start" into clickable buttons to allow the problem to be sidestepped entirely if need be.
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Here is what I suggest the control setting be like:

Default Preset : [Your preset]

Game Settings                     1st key       2nd key         3rd key
Left    :                            [Your Key/ Joypad Button]
Right  :
Clockwise  :
Counterclockwise   :
180 :
Hold :
Hard drop :
Soft drop :
Instant drop :
Start :
Quit  :  
Retry :
Pause :

Navigational Settings
Up :
Down :
Left :
Right :
Select :
Exit :

Save Preset
Load Preset    [Your list of presets]

Lets say you set (on your keyboard)
start to X
quit to esc
Retry to R

It will say "Press X to start"
and in tiny letters on the side it could say "Press Esc to Quit"
and "Press R to retry"

Also note there are presets, you could set presets for when you use different rules. In the game menu you could change your preset.

And I also included 1st -3rd buttons for any control that you want to have multiples of.

I find this a lot less confusing don't you? Try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who has never played arcade or with a joy pad.


I think I'd find it pretty confusing if my "clockwise button" suddenly turned into a counterclockwise button when I changed my rule...
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Quote from: Zircean
I think I'd find it pretty confusing if my "clockwise button" suddenly turned into a counterclockwise button when I changed my rule...

Read what I said about presets. I italicized it for you.

And it shouldn't change for rules, clockwise would be clockwise in any rule. If you wanted clockwise to be different when you use another rule, change your preset.


Would it not be possible to display the key the user has mapped for that function?  

So if A is Start and user has A mapped to Z, could the screen not say press Z to start ?

I think maybe this is what s2k is saying.


Quote from: virulent
i am 1000% positive it is because it is not very pretty.

This made me laugh until I fell off the chair
null isint all that pretty
it could use some beautifying tips