Goodbye from Wojtek

Started by Wojtek, September 24, 2010, 04:16:17 PM

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I just wanted to let you know, i'm leaving from tetris community. Not because lack of time and not because I got bored of game. I'm just disappointed in what both community and official tetris has to offer.

I always tried to make tetris better and make our community grow stronger. But today I no longer feel this goal can be achieved.

There are 2 direct reasons why i quit:
1. NullpoMino, best netplay game available currently, has failed to gain any popularity. It's been almost 6 month since NullpoMino netplay were introduced. It's kinda sad, because you guys spend so much time arguing about how your perfect tetris game should be, but when it's available you don't even give a shit to play it. Look at TF expert hd topic, nullpomino has 75% of features mentioned in this topic already.
2. Tetrisconcept clones ban. For some reason some top people in tetris community decided they should ruin what they were building for years. I wasn't aware that TTC's and Arika's stupidity is so much infectious. I'm really sick of bullshits that are being said just now in that thread.

Those are really bad time for tetris, even offcical games are not doing well. Some time ago TOJ development got ceased and everything went downhill there, TOA puts on hold to develop non-tetris facebook games (wth?), TGM4 gets cancelled. I would say that only hope is left in clones but then comes what i wrote above.

Good luck with anything.
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


☠ Jennr246


Better Tetris days will come my friend, there are things in the works! Feel free to come back when the grass is greener.  Enjoy your break.

Oh, and thanks for the work you put into TOJ, iiblocks, as well as helping me around with the website.


Thanks for letting me play iiblocks for the time it was available it was my favorite.

Come back if things get better.


Believe me when I say that I truly want Nullpomino to succeed and I'm just as frustrated when I look at how much its popularity has grown (not very much)

Running tournaments with prizes starting small but going up such as shirts, gift cards, etc were something I wanted to make a reality, and I would, if it was practical for me right now. Anything to get more recognition and grab people from TF, etc, spread the word, WAKE PEOPLE UP so they can realize what is being denied from them.

And I totally agree with the TC issue as well.

I hope you'll check back on us...


Quote from: Blink
Better Tetris days will come my friend, there are things in the works! Feel free to come back when the grass is greener.  Enjoy your break.

Oh, and thanks for the work you put into TOJ, iiblocks, as well as helping me around with the website.

i think he meant that better tetris already exists, and that no one is playing it


Quote from: Wojtek
2. Tetrisconcept clones ban. For some reason some top people in tetris community decided they should ruin what they were building for years. I wasn't aware that TTC's and Arika's stupidity is so much infectious. I'm really sick of bullshits that are being said just now in that thread.
Whaaa? This almost hurt my stomach I laughed so hard (not at you, Wojtek). This is so funny, of course, because the people behind have always been the ones enabling TGM clones--even to the point of emulation (e.g. "pst, we can't talk in public, but I'll PM you") . In fact, through them, my old site was like a "get your TGM clone" portal. Then, all of a sudden Mihara says "yep, can't make the next TGM 'cause of all the clones out there." Next thing you know, they're beckoning cloners "to consider the ethical and practical ramifications of their work." Man oh man!

I like to believe that due the incredibly Tetris-devoted community of my old site (a large part due to the die-hard TGMers, no less), we saw a large increase in our standards for the game. Perhaps, indirectly, we pushed TTC in a better (less evil) direction. I wonder if that would've been possible without allowing fan game makers the freedom to solicit players and ask for feedback to improve their games. This in turn led to a greater understanding of the game's mechanics by everyone (it wasn't very long ago that nobody knew how things like DAS and autorepeat worked--now we can select our own DAS in TF). It appears to me that HD is continuing this spirit in pushing TTC further and further in the right direction (now we have dialog with TTC?, sweet!).

Anyway, my point is that I am now very reassured that I was correct in leaving TC to no one. There's no way its principles would've kept very long. It appears is unwilling to respect my old site's tradition of free expression. Forget about fan game community and innovations... I wanna see what it's like to play TGM with flowers and rainbows! They're calling cloners selfish (someone so hardcore they might spend a thousand hours working on something to honor a game they love--for free), but apparently it's not selfish to restrict fan games (which abide by what we perceive to be legal means of making a game) so they might have a better shot at seeing a new TGM game!

Whew, it's been a while since I've ranted that hard...


sad, i thought you'd be around forever. hope you check back on occasion...


=[ darn hope you still go on nullpo sometimes :/
thanks for all your help, gl to you in the future
☠  crzy242



If I spam nullpo links on every tetris site imaginable will you come back?




People talk about innovation in clones, and yet there is very little actual innovation. Sure, Nullpomino has some interesting original rulesets, but no original rotation system. Just minor tweaks on existing stuff.

The last tetris clone that I actually saw truly innovating was Typomino.  Before that, there was DTET.

It takes more than creating new scoring systems to innovate in a tetris clone.

While nullpomino is a nice piece of programming, and seems fairly solid, it is at heart a clone. It just keeps cloning more and more stuff.


It sucks to see you leave wojtek. Almost everyone on this site has used something Wojtek worked on, from nullpo to the ToJ launcher. This is a big loss for HD

Thanks for all the work you have done Wojtek


Quote from: zaphod77

People talk about innovation in clones, and yet there is very little actual innovation. Sure, Nullpomino has some interesting original rulesets, but no original rotation system. Just minor tweaks on existing stuff.

The last tetris clone that I actually saw truly innovating was Typomino.  Before that, there was DTET.

It takes more than creating new scoring systems to innovate in a tetris clone.

While nullpomino is a nice piece of programming, and seems fairly solid, it is at heart a clone. It just keeps cloning more and more stuff.

Most people are happy with the current rotation systems.  Minor tweaks usually greatly innovate gameplay.


Quote from: Impact009
Most people are happy with the current rotation systems.  Minor tweaks usually greatly innovate gameplay.
yeah, just look at the difference between TGM and TGM3 with classic rotation. oh, and Arika cloned sega rotation didn't they? then they added kicks, and eventually more previews and hold. what's wrong with building on something?

Wojtek - i'm sorry to hear you're leaving and i hope you reconsider. what's going on at doesn't affect the entire tetris community, and as good as Nullpo multiplayer may be, it's always been difficult building a large community for an unofficial game.


Quote from: Wojtek
I just wanted to let you know, i'm leaving from tetris community. Not because lack of time and not because I got bored of game. I'm just disappointed in what both community and official tetris has to offer.
You say this the day before TTC Starts up an official tourny!
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's