Hangame Guide

Started by crzy242, September 20, 2010, 10:41:37 PM

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Ok, so to start off, download Wojtek's Hangame Launcher. Then, just double click the launcher, enter in the username and password provided by SeungCheol (see http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?showt...angame+account), or use your own account if you are lucky enough to have one. After clicking login, a dialog box should come up that asks you where to save Hangame. Pick a location, and click the button with an arrow on the end of it. Wait for it to finish downloading.

After that, the game itself should load up. It should look something like this:

Click one of the purple or gray boxes on the side, and choose one of the three servers that come up

When you've done that, your user profile with all statistics and all the rooms should come up after loading.

Now you can play! When choosing which room to play in, keep in mind that if the bomb icon is green (lit up), then items are on; if there are 2 faces in the second icon, then it is a team game; and if the last icon says M and is lit up, maps are on. If there is a car-looking icon , the mode is a downstacking style game where if you have to reach to bottom first (when you enter the game starblock maps should be there). You can also filter the rooms by clicking on the filter button. Tick/untick any things you don't want to see.
Basically the games are categorized into 5 main categories: No items, Items, Star-block Downstacking, Skull (Survival) and Shadow mode (fit the blocks into the shadows). Then, there are sub-categories: FFA/Teams and Maps/No Maps.
So if you wanted to play a No-Items game, you would untick all of the boxes on the left except the first one.
If you didnt want maps you would untick the M option, and if you wanted to play FFA you would untick the icon with 2 faces. Then, you must click the third button on the top (see last last image) to actually filter the rooms.

When first entering a room, this is what you should see:
You can not customize controls, you can only choose from 3 presets (all of which are on the numpad), BUT all TF default controls work fine so if you use any type of TF default control set then you should not have to set keys.

If you are still waiting for a game to finish before you can start, you can press SPACEBAR to practice.
Note that by default, you only get 5 holds per multiplayer game (in singleplayer it is unlimited). To have unlimited holds for (24?) hours, you need to buy the hold item from the shop (Details below in the shop section)
After a game is finished, a results table will pop up:

You get a maximum of 6 TP for winning a game (unless you buy an item to get you more), and +30 EXP if you come first in a 6P room (unless you buy an item which gets you more). You can't lose TP (unless you spend it) and you can only lose EXP if you come dead last. You can leave rooms once you have died or when the game has finished.

You can also create your own rooms. Clicking on the house-looking icon will take you to this box
Note that you have to pay (500TP) to create a locked room with a password. Also, when you are the BOSS of the room, you have the power to start the game and also choose the extra settings such as maps and teams. The BOSS will remain the same person (the creator of the room) until he/she leaves

As for single player, this screen should come up when you press the single player button

If you have started a game, the only way to leave single player is to finish the game. Also, once a game is finished, the button on the left takes you back to the screen with the modes while the button on the right restarts the game.

*Guide not finished yet, still have to add shops, etc.*
☠  crzy242


Awesome, well in-depth guide. This will surely be a help to people that don't understand the menus.  (Lol Not being sarcastic. People don't know how to get around this foreign game.)


lol nvm ditch this guide, mom is gonna make a better one

☠  crzy242


good guide.

modes you don't know:
skull - survival
P symbol - shadow mode

in game screen:
button in bottom right corner, next to "leave": invite people from lobby
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


☠  crzy242


can someone review this game? is hangame actually fun?


Quote from: briannn
can someone review this game? is hangame actually fun?
Depends on what you like. This game has no combo blocking or garbage canceling. It's mostly about combo down stacking. But I like it.

Edit: My review is better than ↓


☠  crzy242


how much is the 5 hold limit a problem? are games short enough that it doesnt matter so much?


you can buy unlimited holds for 24 hours (someone has already bought it for the account so if you go on now it should be unlimited holds for a while).
with the holds, you wont win as much as with the holds (imo, anyways). you can pretty much win every single game if you have unlimiteds
☠  crzy242


its too hard to adjust to these new controls. sucks that you can't use autohotkey either


Its very similar to how I used to set my controls so I actually can play well on it. But I'm on linux right now and absolutely nothing is easy to use on linux lol.


just got to double-gold medal!

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


nice nice nice
keep playing it hehe
☠  crzy242


i want FASTER das lol. and also some people get extra exp for soem reason? how do we enable that coz when i whore it i win like 30 games in a row or at least dont lose points for an hour.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.